General Discussion

General Discussionis it the mid laner will gank top/bot lane? Or support?

is it the mid laner will gank top/bot lane? Or support? in General Discussion

    is it the mid laner will gank top/bot lane? Or support?


      I think it's the support right?


        Both, depends on the skill set and runes.

        Swap Commends

          Forget the old school mid ganker.Its now when u have a ganker/roamer who helps mid & other lanes.


            if mid ganks successfully, they won't lose any farm (kill ~ a wave of creeps) and the ganked lane will have an easier time going forward. if the gank fails they will fall behind and probably make the ganked lane harder.

            if mid is ganked successfully then mid will have an easier lane. if the gank fails you haven't lost a lot.

            different situations demand different choices...


              Lost mid
              7min~(expired wards)
              Enemy mid can't take your tower
              You can take tower after gank and /or transition to 5man ball etc
              You have gap close /lockdown
              Good rune
              Your support needs to leech mid for levels

              ^positive factors for rotating, just my opinion

              lm ao

                I hate seatards who spam 'mid bobo' whenever I play TA mid and focus farming instead of rotating then completely goes quiet after i rosh 13mins and proceed to 2-shot everyone

                lm ao

                  fuck you i think youre one of them xd


                    just call up a gank when u c there is a chance but not walk ard n keep walking like those retard pudge ... wait for half min ... hook > miss ... > wait another 1 min > hook > miss> back to regen > tp others lane > hide > hook > miss / hook but cant kill or even die to ppl ... joker :D
                    end up low lv no item , and when opp push ... simply hook > its a hook to death ..some ppl just don hv the talent to be ganker..
