General Discussion

General DiscussionMy official guide on treant protector

My official guide on treant protector in General Discussion
D the Superior

      2-6 and 620 lasthits, your team managed to win 4vs5 with u afk farming. Nice ! More guides pls on being trash and getting carried !




          Hero heal: 70

          ♏mikeeCS ツ

            I wonder how can that ancient appartition have mechanism and only have 186 Hero Heal?


              Kobby, you know meka is 6k right?

              I'm pretty sure he's way fucking better at the game compared to you.

              Dune, the Desert Planet

                1. Heal shitlords and towers

                2. Be invis in enemy woods to "scout"


                  Let me guess, Invoker won the game while Treant was afk'ing the whole game farming jungle with Aghs? And you could even lose as I see both of your t4 towers are gone.


                    did you know Kobby when you are treant, it's very easy to get last hits when you have aghs and refresher

                    Dune, the Desert Planet

                      ^Azro Yeah, I'm thinking the same. Most likely he didn't even armor Voker or towers. And vision from Aghs didn't help his team, nor did he starve enemies by taking their jungle. That must be the key to 6k Rooftrelen magic.
