General Discussion

General DiscussionToo scared to try and raise my mmr

Too scared to try and raise my mmr in General Discussion

    When I first played Ranked dota I immediately hopped into my calibration matches as soon as I was able to play ranked. As a result I landed myself in 1.4k mmr. After I got back from summer break I trucked through ranked matches and pretty soon reached 2.7k mmr till then I mostly steamrolled through my matches. At 2.7k mmr I had faced my hardest challenge yet. A loss streak. It was the first time I lossed repeatedly so many times since my calibration matches. Of course I overcame that challenge and payed it back three times over with lots of win streaks. But ever since then I took every single ranked match incredibly seriously, every loss I took I would've tried right up until my ancient exploded, every loss I felt stabbed me in the heart. Now I'm 3.2k mmr (played 300 ranked matches so far )with a 63% win rate in ranked though I hardly play ranked more than a few times in months because I feel so scared to lose. Playing unranked feels so much better for me even though I miss playing ranked. Does anyone else feel scared to raise their mmr because of the fear of losing mmr ?


      you shouldn't be worrying about mmr that way

      you should be worrying at how you're performing at whatever mmr you're at, if you're destroying your opponents but get unlucky and still lose a few games, you should be glad because it means you'll eventually climb

      you SHOULD be worrying when you can't perform at whatever mmr you're at because then games are 1. no longer fun cuz u suck compared to the rest, 2. you're gonna drop in mmr


        like im pissed off as hell over lose streaks when i've finally reached 5k but im still doing well in these games so im happy that i can grind it up with time


          You learn much more from losses and close games than you can learn from easy wins. That's how you get better.


            same here.. too scared to play mmr :'(

            Swap Commends

              what @namiseooooom said
              go climb.
              63% wr in ranked is


                It's not that I'm scared of losing mmr, it's that the morons who I play with in ranked mmr are almost all worse than the people I play with in unranked.

                Bad Intentions

                  Listen guise, if you have the hardware and good internet connection, no need to get scared :] id love to steamroll tru ranked games if i was given 50ms reliable connection to dotes but alas im not so lucky :]

                  Its a dog eat dog out there, only d strong survives :]


                    Was kind of scared to play ranked, so I played normal matchmaking for about 1 or 2 months. During that time I focused on learning new things, new builds, new heroes, new ideas. After I was winning around 60% in normal que, I started up the ranked matchmaking again, and found myself raising 300 MMR in 3 days. Not through luck, but by dominating play.
                    I think its good to take an extended break from Ranked Matchmaking to refresh yourself.

                    King of Low Prio

                      Only time I stop playing ranked is when I get bored playing my best heroes because I am competitive. I don't really use ranked to practice I use it compete. If you are scared of critism(mmr is valve judging your skill) ranked is not for u

                      mmr assasin

                        keep playin mate u r doin good


                          im just too scare of spoiler and noob ... throw everywhere , i pray hard for not meet them ...


                            i too , scared to play mmr again after reach vhs xD


                              i had the same problem on 5k. just chill out and play normal games then when you feel good again you play ranked.


                                What does it matter if you lose MMR? If you drop even 1K why does it matter? Its all just on the road to improvement. Eventually, if/when you hit 4/5K you will look back at being worried about losing your precious 3.2K and laugh. The sooner you stop worrying about losing your rank, the sooner you can get to the end of that road.


                                  @SOSLICK22 because there is always dejavu feeling that you can hit lose streak anytime and -300 mmr in few days.

                                  fear is common in competition, you may lose or you may win. only way is to keep improving, and gain the self confidence through practice.