General Discussion

General DiscussionLet's talk draft I guess since we're forced into CM

Let's talk draft I guess since we're forced into CM in General Discussion
Dire Wolf

    Should we still avoid CM when solo queing? At least random draft has a very large pool. CM still requires players to be able to play heroes they probably can't and coordinate as a team more.

    Here's my draft.

    I picked spectre and zeus off the bat for the cheese combo. It usually just wins games by itself. Everything was fine, they had tide and witch dr, and our team wanted more global presence so I went spirit breaker. That's when it went to shit. They recognized spectre and not a trilane (cus SB is roaming) and picked fucking undying. Now their offlane is undying + tide. Team wanted shadow shaman, lion was already banned out, I considered disruptor or jakiro, I thought dazzle wouldn't be strong enough to hold back tide and undying. Shadow shaman has two cc's so I figured I could at least keep us living if they dove. Finished up with void offlane cus it seemed to fit well with zeus and shadow shaman ult, but then of course it's a fucking pub and we never got a proper chrono + wards.

    In the end their offlane just a million times stronger than our solo void offlane, sven rolled us, spectre couldn't farm.

    So was my draft too gimmicky and weak or did we not execute? I was very unimpressed with zeus' and void's play whole game. I think maybe if we had picked a proper trilane like CM or jakiro over SB we'd have been fine too.

    So what's the best strat for drafting pubs? Just pick op lanes with two stuns and shit like wk + sven offlanes and shit? I mean most pubs can't deal with that, but also most pubs don't want to dual lane and compete for farm cus they are greedy. Or do you draft with an overall strategy in mind like I tried to do? Or do you just ask what everyone wants to play and hope for the best?


      Random thoughts... Pick Undying or Tide yourself, tell your teammates to get craploads of auras for the Spectre, ward one or two places close to or on the safelane to give Spectre maximum vision for ganks, tell Zeus to constantly deward, tell your allies to communicate, especially the Void - the team needs to know precisely when, how, and why he will be Chronosphering, destroy the Tombstone as soon as Undying summons it, or avoid fights altogether while the Tombstone is up.

      The player who played Spectre has a fairly low KDA with most of his carries... which leads me to believe that he does not know when to back off, when to not fight, and how to not save allies who cannot be saved. I checked other players' Dotabuffs, and their games are insanely long - some have regular one hour-plus games... which means that they typically and habitually do not know how to take objectives, and how to push, and how to use one's EXP and gold advantage. I see loads of things wrong here.

      If you are to trilane, you must get kills. That's the rule. If you can't get several kills, then you've just banished two supports to be forever low-leveled and severely underfarmed. At lower MMRs, "roaming" heroes are extremely hit or miss, usually more "miss" than "hit". Beware.

      Dire Wolf

        yeah that's the issue though, I don't have time to check all their profiles and see who can play what, two of them didn't even talk. And in captain's you end up with one hard carry, everyone wants to play it. In all pick, one guy will pick it, another will go carry middle, another carry jungle if that's all they can play and it might work out ok, you try to pick a trilane and no one knows how to do it.


          i think first picks are shit like 5 positions or roamers. void and tide picks are decent early because they are hard to deal with.


            I'm going to be playing CM mode for now. I might move on to RD. Remember it was only RD back in dotalicious for higher skilled games ;) Worked fine, no reason it shouldn't here!! But still, they should separate people into leagues like them too! A too open MMR distribution would and WILL RUIN this mod.

            Von Darkmoor

              You should have pur spirit breaker offlane since they out a duo agro tri Spectre is weak in lane and rhasta is too squishy vs tombstone+a nuke and has too weak offensive dmg vs tide to zone him out even if by himself.
              Second support could be a close by jungle if you Want to be greedy but would proberly be better with tusk/venge for aggresive plays or tree ent / Necro.

              An easy to understand draft is essentiell in -cm unless you play with friends. Also explaining the lanes help a lot.

              Dire Wolf

                Our draft was easy to understand until they went aggro dual offlane. It was spectre + zeus ult with sb to setup those fights, fight around chrono + wards otherwise. Problem was the sb pick you are right, too greedy.

                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                  Under no circumstance should you play CM without at least 2 people you know. It simply won't work. Even if you have the perfect draft idea that is easy to execute, one retard will always be there that claims "he can't play that one braindead hero" and you will be stuck with a guy being useless and not even trying just because he has a hero he doesn't like.

                  ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                    CM is full of tryhard assholes who want everything to go their way.

                    And if you're solo you'll be paired with that shitty 4 man premade who gangs up on you.

                    Dire Wolf

                      jesus christ riki just go diaf you have no fucking idea what we are discussing. 4 man premades cannot queue for ranked you dumb shit. We are not talking about your pathetic games here.


                        ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!! You are just salty cause you only play Riki and suck with him. Pick a new hero to play an maybe people will not shit on you. Also you will never have fun in CM as you only play Riki and captains won't pick Riki for you every game.

                        ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                          I can be the captain if I click fast enough.

                          Also if they don't want to have a 90% chance of losing they should pick Riki for me.

                          Dire Wolf

                            Actually they'd have almost the same chance of losing if they pick riki for your or don't.

                            Riki: 144 games, 34.72% win rate
                            All other heroes: 21 games, 31.25% win rate

                            ROAD TO HERALD 0

                              And i thought this cm/rd was an April 1st thing.

                              Anyway my suggestions for best possibility of success in cm are:

                              1. If you are the drafter, it's best to communicate quickly with teammates, find out which roles/heroes they play best or want to play.

                              2. Draft easy to execute lineups. Dont just assume teammates can execute your intended strat. Cookie-cutter crowd-control lockdown-heavy lineups are more effective particularly in lower skill tiers.

                              3. Draft flexible. Adaptability is crucial in pub drafts, since you are playing with 4 other persons for the very first time.

                              4. If you arent the drafter, dont be the asshole who insists on a wildly unsuitable hero, and is a flaming cancer ingame. The team with more teamwork usually wins games, even more so in cm because there's a draft/ban pick phase.

                              5. And finally, the best solution to preserve mmr ever: go outside (make it a regular thing)

                              EZ MID 9k mmr

                                aprils fool it wont last for long


                                  ur draft is decent ... but no matter how good u draft and ban ... shitty player can throw the game anytime .. anytime !!
                                  what is the point of going cm mode when solo que? i been drafter day ago , i ask for any role n hero player want and ban accordingly ... but end up mira suck with arrow, ta mid not farm well even got helper always at mid , my safelane sven is free farm but solo carry is hard ... valve is putting same skill players in a match ? bullshit ...
                                  For the game u shown , the spec is obviously a noob , his skill build is not either defensive or agreesive ... mix skill build ? omg (same go with zeus n bara skill build , zeus skill mb focus on early farm ... bara skill ~.~ )... for item , i don understand y he waste 1k gold for ring of aquila ? to spam skill? joke ... 159 lh at 32 mins , i believe he nvr concentrate on farm or he just keep feeding ...ulti at wrong timing or just spam for ntg ... besides , void's ulti can kill ur team if wrongly use as usual seen in pub ... ur bracket is same as me , i saw every disaster happen there ... glhf

                                  Dire Wolf

                                    holy shit I didn't even check the skills no wonder we fucking lost. Aquila is a good spec item though.


                                      Sadly nobody plays Captains Mode in SA server so I don't get to try it out. However if you're with 4 strangers I think its a good idea to establish who has what role at the start and work from there. Also picking both your mid and safelane first isn't really a good idea. Especially when its two heroes who both have a weak laning stage. If your opponents see zeus Spec right off its pretty easy to just pick strong laning heros and win from there.

                                      Also, ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!! Ranked Captains mode now automatically puts the highest ranked player on each team as captain so you cant instalock captain and pick Riki. :P


                                        Captains mode is great when you get to be the captain and torture when some random gets to pick