General Discussion

General DiscussionPlease Correct My Way Of Playing Support

Please Correct My Way Of Playing Support in General Discussion

    Who's going to be rotating through your jungle? That's mostly mid game/post early game movement. If it happens in the early game, you should be able to tell that immediately without the rune ward (all you have to do is to pay attention to the other lanes and check for the movement of their supports). High ground vision isn't important for taking the rune. You're not going to have a pudge every game, but you're selling the rune ward as if it's supposed to be placed every game.

    Edit: Well your reasoning for placing the safe ward is not sound. Prioritizing a rune ward over lane ward (because that is what you keep mentioning) is not ideal in most situations. Also, I don't say never. I just say it is more essential.


        GG Pilot your brain must not work.

        You keep arguing a point Im not making. Have fun.


          "I dont know why you insist on the safe lane ward. It is a waste. "

          I don't know man. This pretty much seems like the point you're trying to make.


            If there is a Pudge you place a mid ward and see if he comes for the rune.. And if there is a Pudge you have more reason to contest the rune..and probably deny it from high ground and juke his hook.. You are not supposed to stand still on the rune spot at 50 seconds to get hooked like a retard..

            ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

              Don't play suport?

              except when I'm the carry. Then play support and make sure I always get the last hit on heroes. Feel free to take my creeps, I already used to it))


                Lol Pilot's brain still doesnt work, can only read one post apparently, instead of the post where I state when I like to place the safelane ward.

                Mike Wazowski..!

                  @Mentos he is a VHS support player..and you are in normal skill.. I think he is better than you and you should atleast respect that..


                    Where u want to ward is game dependent like sometimes you need that safe lane ward for aforementioned reasons or sometimes your mid matchup doesn't give fuck all whether there is a mid ward or no
                    Or maybe I'm a rad ta and I'm always going to try for the top rune so I want a rune ward in case I run into an es ogre gank squad bla bla bla just use ur brains


                      Mike, it has nothing to do with dota mechanics its reading comprehension, claiming that I said I never want a safe lane ward when I specifically told him when I safe lane ward.


                        You must not be reading what you are typing.

                        You are not saying you never want a safe lane ward. What you are saying is that practically every other ward (offlane/mid lane/rune ward) is better than the safe lane ward in almost all situations. It is also only towards in the latter posts after I have presented my arguments that you start to retract your statements and say that "hurr durr, I didn't say don't place a safe lane ward" despite calling it the worst ward you can possibly place. Get off your high horse and accept you've been wrong.

                        My arguments attack your reasoning behind not placing the safe land ward despite it being ok in those situations (aka you only saying you shouldn't place it when facing an aggressive lane or a passive lane) and your arguments attack me for saying that "I never want a safe lane ward when I specifically told him when I safe lane ward." which i have never said btw.

                        Clearly, you have the one with the brain that doesn't work. Must be the no greaves and tranquil boots built on enigma getting to you. But of course you're going to take this post as a "pilot keeps saying to never place safe lane ward even though I never said anything blah blah" and you're going to totally ignore valid arguments in place of that. Good luck in 2k



                 this is a pretty good video to start with. It's not too complex but covers a lot of the basics and more


                            Pilot, I posted that I place a lane ward vs aggro lanes that I cannot control before you ever even posted in this thread. I guess I was back pedaling so hard I went back in time.



                              Thanks for trying to speak 'proper english', for copy pasting your arguments in reply to my posts, and for not refuting any real argument.

                              "Well your reasoning for placing the safe ward is not sound. Prioritizing a rune ward over lane ward (because that is what you keep mentioning) is not ideal in most situations. Also, I don't say never. I just say it is more essential." my tldr for everything you argue


                                Seriously? After I made detailed posts over and over on the last page your saying Im not trying to refute your argument?

                                Your obviously trolling now. Have fun.

                                NOT GOOD ENOUGH

                                  To me

                                  Wards - is very useful when enemy has jung heroes or roaming heroes or invi this would completely make their element of surprise gone
                                  Denying creeps!! & Harassing enemy - don't give enemy farms!! Usually when I do this one of them would be hitting the camps so (camp blocking)
                                  Do not FEED!! if you're trying to save your carry from death it's okay if not no
                                  Don't try to SOLO unless you're 100% sure you can escape and KILL
                                  Always help in team fights <- this would give your team more advantage against enemy!
                                  Try not to KS creeps or Kills from your carry - cuz they need those kills to carry the team

                                  BE AWARE OF THE MAP!
                                  If you want to ward enemy's jungle before the mid game please don't go alone ask someone to accompany you unless you're 100% sure you won't be dying


                                    to play a good support you need to master every other role"
                                    Garbage. To play a good support you need a understanding of the roles but nothing more. You telling me Akke sucks at supports cause he doesn't play other roles?

                                    lol havoc get off your fucking high horse

                                    most pro players have smurf accounts anyway so why are you linking the main one? besides, you'd have to be extremely stupid to think that pro players can't play roles outside of their main one.

                                    when I say 'master', obviously I don't mean become the best at that role, but gain a good fundamental understanding of them LIKE WHAT YOU SAID. did you take it literally? are you saying you took my comment as, you'd have to have an 8k player's skill in every role before you can even think about being a support?

                                    are you stupid? way to take shit out of context while stroking your own ego

                                    basically your entire comment was shooting down everyone elses while providing nothing constructive of your own
