General Discussion

General DiscussionClimbing unranked hidden mmr, cus there is no ranked in South Africa

Climbing unranked hidden mmr, cus there is no ranked in South Africa in General Discussion

    I ranked at 1.7k when my brother and I shared an account. He made a new one and ranked way lower. Pretty sure he dosed my ranking but I was terrible back then. Now we don't play ranked in South Africa so I've since played 500 unranked games with like a 56 win rate plus cus I was at 53 when I ranked. My quest is how close am I to 3k hidden mmr? I've played about 75 party games and low priority which don't count. I heard you still go up 25 points even if it is unranked. My goal is to get high skill unranked and yes I know it's nowhere close to ranked mmr skill wise. Most of the people I play are high skill and vhigh skill there just always a few shitstains which lower it out.


      In ur acc i see only 2 match in hs. Thats mean u might get below 2.5 k. In my experiment on smurfing, u will get 3 k mmr if 60 %or more of ur match in high skill..


        I guess what I am asking is do you get+25 for a win in unranked after you have ranked? Like I get you move huge amounts in your first 50 games but this isn't a new account I want to get higher hidden mmr and I feel like after 500 i should be higher than when I ranked? So where am i at basically? Check my account and shoot me a number. Dotamax says 5 high skill but that's neither here nor there


          No, u dont get +25 in unranked.


            I'm also curious how unranked hidden mmr works. Never bothered to calibrate since ranked search times in SA are ridiculous.

            @ AllDay Hopefully the OSR campaign works out and we can start playing ranked on SA server! My friend says he found a game pretty fast today so fingers crossed.


              IMO I don't think a normal matchmaking works the same way as a ranked game. Rank game MMR is dependent upon whether you win or lose the match more than your actual gameplay. I remember valve saying something along the lines of "it's possible to get a positive MMR even if you lose a match" when the rank games were being established.

              Rather, the way that the game is played will depict whether your normal match making games are NS/HS/VHS. To prove this point, I created a smurf and played a few games, using heroes I normally play and heroes that I don't just to increase the versatility in hero pool and I do the same with items build that would benefit the game outcome the best. The rest is execution, and that depends a lot on the team. The result is against my main account

              You will notice that on the 3rd game onwards on my smurf, my games were either HS or VHS, but if you look at the stats, you would notice that I didn't do very well in a lot of the games, but I was still in VHS. Where in comparison to my main, I do extremely well but I get NS instead of HS or VHS. What you will also notice is the itemization difference in both accounts.

              I don't know if any of what I say has any basis. I just did it to experiment to see how my games would differ on a different account with different items. Then again, I might have been matched with people who has about the same amount of game experience on my smurf which would be why I was considered VHS (if this is true, then NS/HS/VHS really doesn't mean anything except in reflection to the people you play with based on the experience rather than actual skill).

              Note: Something I notice that was interesting is, at one point in time my MMR was 4k but I was not in the VHS bracket before dropping down to 2.4k MMR. My currently MMR on my main is standing at 3.3K MMR. However, before the rank matchmaking was established, I don't play Dota as competitive as I do nowadays. So my NMM stays at normal.

              Feel free to comment on my theory, shoot it down, suggest or whatever, because I'm trying to understand how this all works too.



                No, you don't get +25 in unranked

                you do, as long as you have not just started a new account. NMM is mechanically similar to RMM.

                Mike Wazowski..!

                  Once you hit Exp Level 50 your NMM and RMM become 2 different things.. So increasing your NMM would not increase your hidden RMM..

                  lm ao

                    hey does OP like fried chicken and watermelon with koolaid on a sunday morning TriHard

                    Mike Wazowski..!

                      You can try playing on some other server.. Im from India, and though ping on the European servers is high its not impossible to play in.. Might lag if ou have bad net connection AND low ping, if you have good internet you should be fine..


                        @mike wazowski
                        they are separated after your first calibration game, regardless of your trophy level at that point

                        Mike Wazowski..!

                          Oh.. I dint know.. OP has played a few Ranked games anyway, so it woudnt work in his case anyway..


                            yea, thats true, and that's a good point actually


                              I ranked months ago I'm not trying to increase my RMM I just want to play high skill NMM and I guess if I ranked at 1.7k a year ago that would be the same as my hidden mmr at that point besides a few calibration games. So from then on have I been getting +5 or +25 for a win? I think @TripleSteal- knows about this. It has been 500 games on NMM with a 57% win rate so I must be getting better games. Like if you guys play unranked I would be interested to know if the games are way off from your ranked games as most of you only play ranked which is the opposite to me?


                                there is a huge difference in my case, just cz my hidden mmr is outdated - its the same as two years ago, cz i havent played NMM since RMM was introduced.


                                  SA Player here...

                                  i 2 accounts which i switch between and i have 2k hours in the game overall so i kinda know the game to an extent and what i have come across is that the MMR you calibrate on is not that far from your actual skill bracket.

                                  i calibrated at 2.6k and after 8 games gain 100mmr ( I play EU servers for ranked ) and what i have noticed is that i actually do have plenty still to learn about the game, i mean i know how to play my heroes and everything but ever since i calibrated so low i have slowly been improving in terms of reading a game, map awareness, item builds, positioning ( biggest problem in low mmr games ), choosing when to fight and when to run ( another problem ) etc.

                                  So my personal advice is to take the MMR you got on the chin and play through, even if it takes 2000 games to get to 5k at least when you do u will be way more skilled than you are now and u will deserve it more.

                                  AND in regards to your actual post...once you calibrate the only way to raise to HS and VHS is to increase your MMR.

                                  0 - 3.1k = NS
                                  3.2k - 3.6k = HS
                                  3.7k - 7k = VHS
                                  7k above = Stay Away Or Die!

                                  and me on Steam dude then we can Peanut Butter and Jam!


                                    also i dont think OSR will work out as they planned...

                                    i mean its a good initiative and i will be happy when Ranked games dont take 20mins to find in SA but MMR is based on skill level and South Africa's player pool is still quite little compared to the rest of the world. So finding a match with players on ur level will be hard and eventually u will get ranked in a game with 2 guys that are TBA, 1 has has 950mmr, 1 that is 4.5k and u.

                                    just play on EU servers. they are better optimized and i get a constant 201ms ping which isnt that bad considering i have recently been getting 120ms ping on SA servers.

                                    Also if LoL players can play with EU lag why cant we huh!?! thought we had the better game! #LoLisoneboringassgame