General Discussion

General DiscussionArc warden helm of dominator

Arc warden helm of dominator in General Discussion

    alot of ppl go midas travel madness rapier on him, madness to deal more tower dmg and with magnetic field, negates damage of towers.
    but why do I not see ppl going for midas travels domi rapier. Domi gives more dmg than madness due to dominated lanecreeps removing backdoor protection. also your main hero could dominate a lanecreep(put rapiers in stash first) then let the double tp to the dominated creep to ez rekt towers. Thoughts?

    milk that tastes like rea...

      except dominated lanecreeps don't remove bd protection


        oh shit my bad but atleast u can tp close to tower :D




            what cha doin here

            one syllable anglo-saxon

              There is Necronomicon for that. HotD gives way less damage with Rapiers, I don't know what are you talking about. It would be a bomb ofc if you could control a creep with HotD in stash, but alas, you can't.

              If you're not playing with complete retards you can almost surely convince one of your allies to either get HotD/Necro themselves or sneak up to enemy Tier 3 in smoke if you can't push the lane close to any of enemies' T3s.

              Backdoor isn't really a problem. Arc Warden with 2 Rapiers and 2 Moonshards(in inventory + eaten), destroys a tower with bd protection activated in 10 seconds.


                but dominated creeps have unli duration so one can just hide in trees near tower for the double to tp, i think i saw a game where a jug got tons of dominators in 2 hr game to defend their ancient

                one syllable anglo-saxon

                  Sure, that's what your allies should do. You need every bit of damage you can get if you're going to hit towers through BD protection. You could substitute Dagger with HotD maybe, but there's no reason to do that if your allies can get helm themselves. Even if that's some CM or Bane, their HotD would be way more impactful than anything they could get in that price range.