General Discussion

General Discussionhow to get atleast 4.5k mmr

how to get atleast 4.5k mmr in General Discussion
Anti-Hero (Core/Offlane)

    my game bugged and i played at a ranked match eventhough i can't play yet cuz my expirience trophy is just lvl42, i played in a 3.8k bracket :( most of my games are in very high skill and I want to calibrate my mmr atleast 4k-4.5k :'(

    Anti-Hero (Core/Offlane)

      fck urself m8

      Anti-Hero (Core/Offlane)

        im so lonely :(


          after i see ur prof maybe u just get calibrated on 37k coz ur skill bracket is unstable like vhs >ns>vhs


            free guide here ,how to calibrate atleast 4.5k mmr , (i calibrated as 4.6k mmr)

            pick fking op hero , stick to the meta

            be nice to ur frend and team

            dun fking walk mid if ur solo skill sucks (by here mean dun solo mid if u are 4.5k below becoz u really sucks and no idea how to play mid)


              Im above 4.5k but i really sucks and no idea how to play mid. Just stay away from mid i fucking hate that lane since invoker was imbalanced.


                be autistic
                wow suddenly you have 4.5