General Discussion

General DiscussionJungle Am

Jungle Am in General Discussion

    In this game im doing jungle am.So, I would like to hear from higher mmr player opinion is it a shit dumb thing to do jungle am in my 3K tier. Can i continue doing this or dont becoz it is dumb idea and not going to success in higher tier mmr?


      junglers are so ezeee to shut down

      Meat Spinner

        True .. and u should suppose jungling am if only u get tooo much harassing lanes letting u to take no last hits .. denying like fuck


 yep jungle am is sooo good!!! (face palm)


            Inx.: Yeah im aware of that especially in my above game. I quite scared of zeus and spectre global ulti.

            D'ScareCrow: that silencer for sure will not going to let me farm easily beside im not a good last hitter under high harassment.

            Sir.swirl: Ur game is in normal skill bracket and in that game ur opponent have 4 carry. Beside that i have no idea how did that am jungling efficiently in radiant side without hurting himself because i only know how to jungle am in dire side.


              yeah but it isn't SEA so like highskill isnt very that far ahead of normal skill, if not the same


                Is this the shit where you blink into the trees and can do medium camp without being hit?

                Ive had that appear in one of my games but we won 4v5 without ever needing am to do anything.

                Honestly it might work if they leave you alone, idk, but AM is just a game losing hero imo. Get 600 CS only to get 4 hit By an OD.


                  if u have proper supports its probably awful, this heroes a beast in lane


                    I dont know its true or not that hs skill in sea same with ns in other server. But how did that am just die 15 time and have only 191 lh in 42 min. He buy phase boot for am rather than thread. Anyway overall i also didnt like the idea of jungle am in radiant side.


                      because he was from SEA playing on a different server aka trash