General Discussion

General DiscussionHow do you get your teammates to pick properly?

How do you get your teammates to pick properly? in General Discussion
Mike Wazowski..!

    I have been losing mostly coz my team doesn't pick properly.. Every game there is a jungler who weakens the lanes and costs us the game..
    Yes I don't play perfectly, but I can see why I lose..


      i dont see you picking a single support hero lately, u might try it. supp is the least demanded role, and your 4 teammates gonna have more core roles they most likely prefer at their disposal.

      Mike Wazowski..!

        I suck at supporting.. You can see how much I die as a support.. My positioning as a support is pretty bad.. I've never played support..

        ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

          "I suck at supporting... you can see how much I die as a support"
          "I never played support"

          Well then how do you know you suck at it?

          Mike Wazowski..!

            Shut the fuck up.. Not asking you.. Not replying to you..

            ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

              That's okay)
              It's okay to lash out at others when you realize you contradict yourself)

              Mike Wazowski..!

                I've never played support is figurative.. Happy?


                  well, there are quite a lot of ppl who never played supp for whatever reasons, and they dont want to do it just the same, so whenever all the core positions are locked, they just get a jungler. it might be efen optimal considering they got some knowledge about how to play junglers, but are totally clueless as supports.

                  the point is that there is not that much of a difference between you and people you complain about.


                    play bh its so much fun


                      plus u get to call yourself a support main :horse:

                      King of Low Prio

                        I'm a support main now


                          Well supporting isn't that hard imo ...just think about what's best for your team and not yourself is attribute that good support must have and then u must also have good game sense like u Can what the oppenents are doing and stuff like that...also supports make great captain(well not all obviously but relatively more than pos1 players)....example Puppey or Fly there great captains

                          And for your draft...try talking to your team tell them your opinion before there pick that hero .When everyone communicate it's help knowing what kinds o f draft u have..I also that sometimes u guys get ppl that instalock NP , techies or etc .There's no use scolding them for picking those heroes during in game cause it just makes them angry and their care less about the game

                          ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                            I need a support on my teams.


                              What do you think about siractionslacks? He is 4.7k and he spams support omni, kotl etc. I watched him play leshrac once and I don't think he cud carry himself out of 2k he was so bad. He literally can't last hit and he's almost 5k. He isn't even a great support player in terms of pulling and warding but is good at team fightin and keeping people alive.


                                ^this game has a lot of aspects besides last hitting. you can be good and some, and bad in others. someone who's bad in one particular aspect, might be a decent player overall.

                                i thought he is in mid 3ks tho, and yes, this guy is a bad player.


                                  Regarding to the thread title, it so hard to make random teammates pick properly because they easily be pissed when someone are telling them what to do. Even if they do follow you, you can't really know if that player know how to play that hero, so they pick the hero they're most comfortable with.


                                    when i need to pick support and in panic i pick enigma


                                      I got worst games than that Chat : I support They all go support
                                      Chat : I Mid they all mid
                                      the safest shit u can pic is jungle . Btw picking supp in low mmr matches is the key in gaining mmr .


                                        Try playing an offlane hero like tide hunter or dark seer that can turn disadvantages into huge advantages. Win fights for your team.

                                        Dire Wolf

                                          Just keep at it, stay in games, don't give up. Sometimes picks really don't matter.

                                          Almost all melee team, slark counter pick to jug, sven and puck vs 4 melee cores, piss poor lanes, I guess my lane jug + lion vs slark + omni was maybe even, but we had pudge off solo vs sven + puck, troll vs alch mid. We wiped the floor with them.

                                          TWO JUNGLERS on my team, bs and np both went jungle. Offlane was arc + skywrath vs me on jug alone. I died twice before just abandoning the lane. Sky rotated top to protect AM cus I went up there with pudge. Then bs and np started ganking the shit out of arc. We won somehow despite having the worst fucking lanes I've ever seen and vs a free farm AM. And I almost abandoned this game at ~4 mins after my 2nd death.

                                          King of Low Prio

                                            Doom offlane is great when they have a hard carry like spec/OD/AM supports can't solo zone you if you get saytr regen and you can ruin their game with a agh


                                              most of the time if you random, people will try to make up for the handicap of this random (cuz they will likely assume that you suck with the randomed hero) and they will try to pick good heroes that fit the game.
                                              that doesnt mean that they can play them tho kappa