General Discussion

General DiscussionIs it possible to spam any hero in 1kmmr and win?

Is it possible to spam any hero in 1kmmr and win? in General Discussion

    Ive seen friends who are 4.5kmmr + who've gone on smurfs and played in my bracket and win easily. I don't doubt that if you're better, you should be able to climb in ranked.

    I'm just wondering if:

    1. Can you spam any hero and win, regardless of the draft, if you're good enough.

    2. Is it better to learn to excel at one hero and spam that hero for every game in ranked, or to try to adapt to the draft?

    I've been trying to spam WR with moderate success. I know im not as good as the friends i've mentioned (not enough game impact, itemisation etc).

    Been playing pubs mostly and only just recently made good effort to increase solo ranked. 500 mmr increase so far!


      So My in-depth high detail guide will show you how to raise MMR in all brackets: here it is!


        Haha. That one enchantress match

        Herald Pride

          i spams used 3 hero and successfully climb from 900 mmr to 2 k mmr


            Sweet! Yeah was mostly curious.

              Von Darkmoor

                Just pick FOTM heros like alla the fa**ots and you will win no mather what WR is still pretty OP but not enought to be unfailable like harb Also People tend to play Spectre a lot now cant really see any change its pretty much the same as allways but sure lets called it OP.

                But on topic.... If you are good enought with one hero then you can play it against anything and with everything. (This means unconventional builds playstyles)


                  Im adapting as best I can to my teams draft and I'v had good success recently. Not as dramatic as climbing 1000 MMR but I've climbed 3100-3800 in 2 weeks.


                    Yeah i teach one of friend using weaver..then ask him to spam weaver in rank match..he climbed up from 1.6k mmr to 2.1..


                      If you're better than your bracket, it's possible to compensate for the lack of good drafting by just owning harder. When you feel you can't get away with going Dazzle Mid every game and winning, you're forced to think about your pick more and more, as you go up the ladder. Eventually you'll get to the point where you have to have a good draft, in order for YOU to be able to keep up with your teammates/opponents.


                        @Von Mcborg yeah ive had some games with WR where ive been forced to bring it to late game because we couldn't quite push, for various reasons. At that point my team expected/told me to buy a divine rapier and tank. Just cant 1vs5 at that stage unlike spec. Gotta outfarm and snowball early.

                        Maybe its the changes to dispersion..or a shift towards teamfight meta that made spec more OP. I see her so often in pub games now. We probably win only 30% of games with her on the other team....and havent lost yet when my team mate plays her. Could just be my crappy support though. Been playing with mid 4ks.

                        @Wish- Makes sense!


                          Yes, i used to play qop/meepo/ta mainly


                            yes, in fact i think its the best way


                              I consider myself like a semi-spammer, I play full offlane, I really like to initiate the fight bcs I know when is the right moment, I play heroes like slardar, void, dark seer and tide (in pickrate order), that provides me the control of the game, bcs the team will wait until the initiator blinks, or at least it is supposed to, my signature hero is slardar, bcs he can fight by himself with cheap items (blink, mordigian, treats is more than enough), also a bkb if needed, but he can kill the squishy ones very fast, but his real power is shown in a tf where armor reduction works x5, however, if you dont have a good hc, slardar can be a good semicarry who can (in the right hands) face a lot of hc and give problems
                              Last tip, in low bracket the enemy wont tp to help his team, so if you see someone alone, go catch him, blink, crush, ult and hithithit, see guides to improve your playstyle with this hero and practice the armlet toggle, this item along with slardar will give you easy wins in lower bracket if you master it


                                i want to try playing in 200mmr


                                  To answer your first question; Yes, a 4.5K player can win almost every game with almost every hero in 1K bracket. Even with Crystal Maiden they will more than likely win every match. Most of it comes down to efficiency (maximizing your farm time), item builds with regard of timing, and positioning


                                    i dont think you can win with any hero 1000 pts below your real rating, but u certainly can do it if it is like 2-3k lower.