General Discussion

General DiscussionStorm Spirit Build Data

Storm Spirit Build Data in General Discussion

    So i did a lot of math (more like shit ton of math) in order to find what build is the best for storm spirit and feel like sharing it so here it all is. Builds are numbered 1, 2, 3, and so forth with Q,W,E,R being abilities of storm spirit. {if you want to know what the best build is mathematically it is number 6}

    If you dont care about the data and just want to know the conclusion, skip to the last paragraph

    1. Q, E, Q, W, Q, R, Q, E, E, E, R, W, W, W, stats, R
    2. Q, E, W, W, W, R, Q, Q, Q, E, R, E, E, W, stats, R
    3. Q, E, W, W, W, R, E, E, E, Q, R, Q, Q, W, stats, R
    4. Q, E, Q, W, Q, R, Q, W, W, E, R, E, E, W, stats, R
    5. Q, E, E, W, E, R, E, Q, Q, Q, R, W, W, W, stats, R
    6. Q, E, E, W, E, R, E, W, W, Q, R, Q, Q, W, stats, R
    7. Q, E, Q, E, Q, R, Q, E, E, W, R, W, W, W, stats, R
    8. Q, E, E, Q, E, R, E, Q, Q, W, R, W, W, W, stats, R

    Abilities and their dmg by level:
    Remnant: 140, 180, 220, 260
    Vortex: 1 Sec, 1.5, 2, 2.5 (note: at the two second mark you can easily overcharge before placing remnant and have the remnant land a hit)
    Overcharge: 30, 50, 70, 90

    Ability dmg by their build:
    (note that builds 2&3 have vortex "maxed" at level 6 and all other builds besides 7&8 have 1 point in vortex)

    At level 6:
    1. Q - 220; E - 30
    2. Q - 140; E - 30
    3. Q - 140; E - 30
    4. Q - 220; E - 30
    5. Q - 140; E - 70
    6. Q - 140; E - 70
    7. Q - 220; E - 50
    8. Q - 180; E - 70

    At level 11:
    1. Q - 260; E - 90
    2. Q - 260; E - 50
    3. Q - 180; E - 90
    4. Q - 260; E - 50
    5. Q - 260; E - 90
    6. Q - 180; E - 90
    7. Q - 260; E - 90
    8. Q - 260; E - 90

    At level 16:
    all of course are maxed out Q - 260; W - 2.5; E - 90

    Now the characters dmg (auto attack) by level along with items that shouldve been bought at that level:

    At level 6:
    62 (base) + 4 (magic wand) + 9 (Power Treads) = 75 total damage

    At level 11:
    75 (base) + 4 (magic wand) + 9 (PT) + 21 (Oblivion staff) = 109 dmg however since blood stones first item is still somewhat popular the damage would be 88 w/o oblivion staff so lets average the damage to 98.5

    At level 16:
    87 (base) + 4 (MW) + 9 (PT) + 55 (Orchid) = 127.5 when averaged with the blood stone build

    so with imagining you just zipped into a battle you would start with an overcharge so in my head you have the following scenarios dependent upon how many points are in static vortex:

    Without a single point : Overcharge -> Remnant -> Overcharge

    With one point : Overcharge -> vortex -> Remnant (note: an overcharge isnt introduced immediately after vortex due to the fact that a remnant will land a hit with only one point in vortex when a remnant is dropped immediately after vortex) -> Overcharge
    Also with one point: Overcharge -> vortex -> Overcharge -> Remnant -> Overcharge (keep in mind that the remnant may not hit so there will be two possible outcomes of this method)

    With three to four points: Overcharge -> vortex -> Overcharge -> Remnant -> Overcharge (the remnant will most always hit with three points)

    So through these observations and calculations i made two tables the first being a spread of all possible damage outcomes and the second table being the first tables data averaged.

    Builds 1, 4, 5, 6 had one point in by level 6
    Builds 2, 3 had three points in by level 6
    Biulds 7, 6, had one point after level 6 before level 11

    Damage is shown by builds with one point in terms of
    "(Overcharge + Overcharge + Overcharge), (Overcharge + Overcharge + Remnant), (Overcharge + Overcharge + Remnant + Overcharge)"
    Overcharge = Storm spirits damage + Overcharge damage

    At level 6:
    1. 315, 430, 535
    2. 455
    3. 455
    4. 315, 430, 535
    5. 435, 430, 575
    6. 435, 430, 575
    7. 470
    8. 470

    At level 11:
    1. 565.5, 637, 825.5
    2. 705.5
    3. 745.5
    4. 705.5
    5. 565.5, 637, 825.5
    6. 745.5
    7. 565.5, 637, 825.5
    8. 565.5, 637, 825.5

    At level 16:
    all builds do the same dmg at 912.5

    So from this table you can average the data sets that have three outputs and get a more concise table

    At level 6:
    1. 426.7
    2. 455
    3. 455
    4. 426.7
    5. 480
    6. 480
    7. 470
    8. 470

    At level 11:
    1. 676
    2. 705
    3. 745.5
    4. 705.5
    5. 745.5
    6. 745.5
    7. 745.5
    8. 745.5

    So from this data we can conclude that builds 5 and 6 are the most efficient killing builds. However from the first table we see that build 5 has three major chances of dealing damage at level 11, those being, 565.5, 637, 825.5 while build 6 stands flat at 745.5 So from this we know that build 5 is the best only when you can land all three overcharges in the initial engagement as well as a remnant, while build 6 is the most eficient. IMO i would say build 6 is the best sense i do not enjoy leaving much up to chance in dota, especially as storm spirit where a failed gank may cost the game.

    P.S. If my calculations are wrong or if you are confused with how i got a number, just ask and i will do my best to explain and or edit the post. Thanks for Reading.




            This is math?


              It's math, not just a shit ton he'd like us to believe

              < blank >
                you all cant carry me

                  Nice effort tho


                    all that math and still only a 43% winrate with storm


                      nothing wrong with lvl 4 pull, helps a shitton to kill off the enemy mid, but u sorta need to max q asap now considering the static manacost

