General Discussion

General DiscussionWhats "MMR" means to you?

Whats "MMR" means to you? in General Discussion

    idk why ppl being tryhard on raising mmr. mmr worth nothing exept if ur a pro player who can maks money from dat, get a high acknowledgement, approved achievement, not only a fantasy points which only something u can boast to ur fren and basically still worth nothing (self satisfaction excluded) . when dota is basically a "game" ppl getting very angry when losing, as if hes salary got cutted so he cant have a lunch for a month (just hype). for me playing on mmr is for a more serious game than normal mm but im still enjoy it, with no trashtalk even entire team does even cuz a small mistakes. For me lose is ok i need to improve, win yes im happy more skilled player awaits, so why u should complain about bad team? or mmr drop? its just a game lad. my paper done guys, jaja, what about you? any thoughts?


      Match making ranked


        mmr reflects your progress as a player. it brings satisfaction to improve and see the result in basically any field, not pc games only


          I want to play with better players


            yet ur a smurf? get a laif

            BRENNA SPARXXX

              meet more retards :C

              Pale Mannie

                My mustard rises

                EZ SEA doto

                  More Masterbate Reflexes


                    MMR is life

                    Swap Commends

                      MMR means nothing until they fix the broken system

                      King of Low Prio

                        'I don't care about mmr'

                        Starts smurfing LOL


                          Its a measurement of your edick, so you can treat others like an asshole when you're 5.5k+. Looking like a nerd at the same time.

                          Homzi(most wanted interna...

                            As "you cant kill a teachies?" Said i want to play with better players :3

                            sin blyadi

                              omg its phantom riki


                                its an indicator of improvement and usually people like to improve at something that they spend a decent amount of time on
                                like what triplesteal said


                                  MMR is for show-off..zz



                                    黑人  Alpha Cure Mom

                                      MMR is just a number :)


                                        Nothing and everything..


                                          its a symbol of pride n self confident , when u face lower mmr teaching u how to play or argue with u, just shout :
                                          1.shh.. 3k srub im 4k
                                          2.shh.. 4k srub im 5k
                                          3.shh..5k srub im 6k
                                          4. shh..6k srub im 7k
                                          5. shh.. 7k srub im champion imcoming ti6

                                          MMR = POWER


                                            MMR was implemented to separate PRO players from rest of the community.
                                            They all naturally were put in 6K or 7K mmr, and the ones who did not, they quickly grinded their way up by spamming Earth and Ember spirit that were broken when they first were added, in the same patch when they added MMR system and calibration.
                                            Thats why a lot of good and experianced players are forever stuck in 3K mmr, unless they create new account, where they will get higher mmr 100%, but now you cant calibrate new account on more than 4.5K mmr I think, where back in the days you were able to calibrate on 6K and even more. Also, MMR is a very simple way to increase adiction for the game, but the thing is, you will never be able to win more than you lose, but you can still lose more than you win, unless you try very hard, have good internet connection, not playing muted, have good FPS, use microphone etc... One more very important thing about MMR these days, is for sponsors to see what are good players, are there any new high mmr players and are they any good for their team. Also,bcs there is very small number of 6K and 7K players, around few thousands in whole world, ( that means its like around 500 for every region, europe, america, china etc) so they constantly play against eachother, same players over and over again, bcs there is very few of them, while in 5K, 4K , 3K mmr and lower is huge number of players, not few thousands, its few hundred of thousands players, so you can never meet same guy in 2 days, or it is very rare, so you constantly need to adapt to new teammates, and it kind of sucks. Also, there are smurfs, boosters, account buyers, players with high ping and all of that contribute to low skill games, sometime, very low skill game.
                                            You can go 30-6-19 while your team has all 0-0-0, you willl still lose -25 mmr, even if it wasnt your fault at all, and it can happen across many games, you will always lose same mmr, sometimes you will have feeders , and you will still lose -25 with classic 0-40-0 feeder in team . There is plenty variations on MMR subject, but one thing is certain - IT IS BROKEN!
                                            So dont take it to seriously, a lot of pro players said and agreed it means nothing, and they would gladly love to see some sort of a change to it, maybe reset for every season, new calibration without broken heros, and without hidden pools.
                                            Anyway, for me, its just a number.
                                            A broken number ;)


                                              haha m8, seems like u all serious bout it. just glhf ^_^


                                                  Meet more russians
                                                  No... Seriously mmr is love mmr is live


                                                    Personal skill + ability to work with others + tryhardness = MMR


                                                      To make lower MMR stop arguing with me.


                                                        try to play on SE ASIA , support? its just a myth .

                                                        Bad Intentions

                                                          To get sexy girls, wat else? :]


                                                            At first, mmr was important to me because as soon as i meet someone new, they judge me based on my mmr. Then they're suprised when I carry them the next game. It irritated me enough to start raising it. In this way, mmr empowers people. Its a hierarchy of sorts.

                                                            The majority of my games I've played are pubs. I just wanted to have fun. I calibrated low at the start, and rightly so.

                                                            The more ranked I play and the more I try to improve my mmr, the more i appreciate the skill involved in this game. I started to reflect on my skills and began trying to perfect them.

                                                            Now raising mmr is for self satisfaction. Ranked games are challenging and fun in their own way. It also means that theres a lot of stress. Dota is competitive after all, and since mmr is a reflection of peoples skills, they tend to get touchy when things happen that are out of their direct control. Eg. Team mate feeding.


                                                              Make Me rage !

                                                              muted all, it's just a ga...

                                                                I want to enjoy beautiful teamfights on 8k games.


                                                                  i jsut want to paly with my skill bracket players not retards so gimme 5k acc and im done


                                                                    objective reflection of my dota life


                                                                      simple and precise

                                                                      King of Low Prio

                                                                        I have yet to see any good players in 3k. They might be great mechanically but have horrible map awareness, can't adapt to pub meta ect. They always have some major flaw in their play style that will not let him progress. They think that once you get X last hits by 10mins you automatically get 6k. Dota is complex and so it is never that simple.

                                                                        King of Low Prio

                                                                          Gotta get those princesses ;)


                                                                            Only 2 things that are important in life are your health and happiness. Don't risk them for useless number.


                                                                              length of the post ∝ personal skill


                                                                                no thin g


                                                                                  Only 2 things that are important in life are your health and happiness. Don't risk them for useless number.

                                                                                  Two actually most important things in life are dick size and quantity of bollywood films watched.


                                                                                    You still got to be healthy first in order to use your dick properly, so your statement is false.

                                                                                    Dune, the Desert Planet

                                                                                      MMR is match making rating.


                                                                                        you dont need to be healthy to feel superior to other people


                                                                                          Mmr is how much u can rape in pubs. It becomes meaningless if u start prioritising it over other important things in life, it basically becomes a drug for you if u obsess over it too much.