General Discussion

General Discussionhow to counter spec late game?

how to counter spec late game? in General Discussion

    this hero is picked in literally every fucking game i play . what heroes counter spectre best?


      you dont, wait 6.87 to counter spectre lategame

      Really I'm The Plug

        -lots of damage


          people come here to get advice and normally they only get response from trolls. this forum is sad. to your question, you can only try to kill him more and end the game early. no other way.


            Enemy team going spectre ususally goes 1 carry scenario. First thing u must consider is destroying his early game. Very nice is Void + Lich offlane. U just ward camps and eat range creep so u control the lane easily. Its very important cos u can easily deal with a triple lane.

            Another offlane hero to consider is doom. U can just focus on dooming spectre whole game and make him useless. But u gotta have a decent skill to survive solo vs triple lane.

            If u are good enough with micro skills and have a decent team, Beastmaster offlane is usually a good pick. He can put high pressure on enemy since start.

            When it comes to core roles:

            1) OD mid or OD safe - depends on draft. This counter is obvious i think.

            2) Sven - for obvious reasons

            3) Meepo - poof destroys hunt illu in 2 secs. Meepo just need boots, blink and agha to kill spectre 24/7. Net prevents from escaping with spectral dagger. Meepo is also a good counter to anti mage.

            4) Anti- Mage - counters spectre in late game, cos spectre lacks lockdown, but late game is not the way u want to go against her


              drow/beastmaster/sven get ahead before she has radiance or big items and end game asap. if you dont end early, you will not win.


                Drow is food agaisnt spectre if combined together with zeus.


                  Smoke ganks with lots of lockdown


                    You can pick spectre. LOL

                    [ALL HAIL THE TINY SNEK GOD]

                      Enchantress offlane, with a few levels supports basically cannot zone you out, spend all your time right clicking them until they leave you alone and spectre without farm. Once you get level 6 R + click on a person once attack is flying run away ez 200 pure damage.


                        i have been experiencing the same fucking thing for last 3 games i played ...... i lane against spec with my carry bcz u knw 2ks are too mainstream to lane spec at safe ....... and i completely shut down spec ..COMPLETELY... a 15 min vangaurd without boots ... but somehow spec gets farmed mid- late game and then we lose... straight for 3 games !!!

                        Pale Mannie


                            What about necrophos? If he's the only core just make sure you Ult him every single time


                              thats it ! now i am spamming spec every game until 6.87 comes out !!!


                                congrats, you just upgraded to a 7k mmr player. cya at TI6


                                  spec is like the strongest late game hero, cant do much about her. but having a necro and being able to focus spec down with necro ult is good. but u dont pick necro to counter spec, u wanna finish game early to counter spec.

                                  [ALL HAIL THE TINY SNEK GOD]

                                    Weakest early game hero can do everything about her


                                      and i just won my first game ! when is 6.87 coming out btw? xD

                                      Mike Wazowski..!

                                        Slark and ck are pretty good against spec late game.. They can't 1v1 kill can.. But they are good counters with a proper team..


                                          i like od becouse u can try to end the game early but if u cant u will have alot of damage in late to kill her in teamfights.

                                          Von Darkmoor

                                            hahaha xD nice vid :D

                                            Actually Desolate is good early but then again i play pretty agressive its worst in the mid game.

                                            Anyone has any tips on taking highground? Thats my only trouble the rest of the towers are ez but i tend to take all outer tower and never manage to take down that highground tower thus eventually i lose.


                                              easiest way to get high grounds is to have a good shadow shamane on your team :)

                                              Dire Wolf

                                                you do want to finish the game early but that said yes, necro with aghs is amazing vs spectre. Hopefully you have some other magic burst like a lina or something, you can still three shot spec then.

                                                Slark is also quite good since spec has no lock down and slark gets stronger in long fights.

                                                Also silver edge fucks spectre up pretty badly if you get your team to focus. Like LC silver edge break into duel will probably 1v1 spec if they are equal farm and lc has a bit of duel dmg.

                                                Pointy Shoes

                                                  Here is a suggestion of a partial team composition:

                                                  Razor mid with mek => razors skills deals damage all around him. Timber offlane with blade mail or a radiance of his own. Winter wyvern as support with pipe of insight => pipe nullifies some of the radiance damage from spectre and winter's ulti is good for dealing with the illusions.

                                                  King of Low Prio

                                                    Don't stall the game

                                                    King of Low Prio

                                                      Don't pick heroes that annoy him in lane because you will fail mid/late if u can't end

                                                      King of Low Prio

                                                        If you suck at ending the game, pick offlane doom

                                                        you all cant carry me

                                                          Hex hex hex


                                                            Boots of Travel is the ultimate counter.

                                                            P.S. Necronomicon is good too.


                                                              Dusa can hang with spec late game . Prob needs a rapier to close the deal though


                                                                I would've thought lone druid. He's a late game carry that can reck spectre early and his bear is a natural counter to desolate.

                                                                I don't think anything beats a 6 slotted spectre, but many things wreck her earlier and can significantly outfarm her.


                                                                  just won a game stomping doom with spectre... so cant agree to doom !


                                                                    Like I said I think. 6 slotted dusa with rapier can , but specter can go 7 slotted so I guess he probs wins if he gots the 7

                                                                    Really I'm The Plug

                                                                      undying and omniknight are only heroes in dota with 50% win rate vs spectre.


                                                                        Spectre builds manta diffusal which rape medusa in her butthole. Only heroes I hate playing against as spectre is sven ck and necrophos cus you have to get bkb for necro.

                                                                        King of Low Prio

                                                                          The doom in your game went bfury.......


                                                                            Well I wasn't saying dusa good vs spec she's actaully kinda bad vs spec but I was just saying I think a divine rapier 6 slotted dusa would be pretty equal match for a 6 slotted spec

                                                                            A. Snatcher

                                                                              What about ET? His minus armor aura, and his ultimate scales well.


                                                                                wait next patch. play all random etc


                                                                                  Sven, troll and lots of burst damage.

                                                                                  Played spectre yesterday and got a triple rampage in the game and it was beautiful.



                                                                                    Juggernaut can do well

                                                                                    Dire Wolf

                                                                                      eh if you are not vhs you can do medusa vs spec. Spectres there farm like shit, they completely rely on getting kills and assists to get items, so hopefully you don't feed them. And sometimes they won't even build diffusal cus they go cookie cutter urn, drums/aquila, radiance. You can easily outfarm them and what's a spec with just urn, drums and radiance going to do to a medusa with s&y, skadi and half of something else like a demon edge.

                                                                                      Dire Wolf

                                                                                        Yeah if you go jugger get a basher. Good man fight carries with a couple bashes or abyssal can crush spec 1v1 before he kills your whole team with ult and radiance. Slark is good too, go s&y, basher, silver edge.


                                                                                          Ddos his router


                                                                                            How to deal with super late game Spectre? That's how.



                                                                                              thats it ! now i first pick spec every game and i do not lose any game i play spec ! ty doto


                                                                                                6 slotted Magnus can beat a 6 slotted spectre with help from his team.

                                                                                                Pale Mannie

                                                                                                  a 14 slotted LD recks everything


                                                                                                      what about silver edge slark? you fight early, tick, and you kill her passive, tick. mkb is really bad for him though so maybe i'm stupid


                                                                                                        silveredge can shut her down. Or u can try to end the game in 28 mins then cry in the next 28 mins if unfinished.