General Discussion

General Discussionevery stack useless

every stack useless in General Discussion
Granite Lee

    how do i get so many useless stacks.

    like my last game.
    I wanted to carry. the "5.5k mmr player" told me to let him carry. he picked an od vs a naix. obviously dies a shit load. like how do i get these dumbasses? like i support well but whats the fucking point of even trying if its easy fucking game because of retards who don't know how to pick heroes

    Swap Commends

      Why do I smurf ?
      Why do I have 35% wr in ranked?
      Why do I suck?


        solo support, bought every ward, smoke, courier and upgrade and constantly saving people and i get these potato cores

        it happens, just pma and know that this is just a rare thing

        Granite Lee

          yea i dont suck. im fucking good. i lose because of retards. every time i lose its either because of dumbasses who don't understand the game. or idiots who have no brain. This game isn't for retards. and all retards need to learn that.

          is it really fun for these fucks to play dota and show everyone how shit they are and lose? i dont get it.

          If you're a retard just uninstall. Do yourself a favor because if you are a retard you will be flamed. and lets be honest. All retards are stuck up and think they are good. But your game play shows that you fuckers are retards


            7 uses of the word retard in the little rant alone. As a writer, I'm ashamed of your poor choice of words.

            They honestly just out picked you. If you were maybe a Shadow Demon to counter out that omni/Naix then maybe you could've gotten somewhere. Or if you're feeling really frisky, you could've just picked a carry yourself and say "Man fuck you two stack, I'll just carry myself" most 2 stacks really back down if you just show them up and prove that you have the bigger dick than both of them combined.

            You didn't, so you picked the support role like the bitch they wanted you to be. Again, rubick was honestly a poor choice vs their line up. Only 2, maybe 3 good spells you could've taken from them. They out drafted you, simple as that.

            And honestly, most people who stack in ranked are pretty confident in themselves. Just a shame that confidence in the 3k bracket means that the lower MMR guy is in 2k and somehow ended up being the teams 2nd carry, after me.


              I had BB+Io stack in my recent match. And they won this match for me.




                The match you provided is questionable because the highest kill on the team ?
                You're not doing it right especially since there's Legion, Spectre, and Zeus who needs more farm

                And if you're talking about support in horrible stack, then please look this match :
                Turns out right but man ~ probably one of the most frustrating game because my team is soo fragile they can fall at any moment


                  Nami did about twice your damage in half time.
                  Nami - MVP. You - ok...

                  P.S. How can you both play Oracle without Urn of Shadows?



                    Hmm, that might be right.
                    About the Urn, i think i'm kinda forget about it because the game is soo tense.


                      LMAO Good Shit

                      one syllable anglo-saxon

                        Agreed like when you are a pro 3.5k player there are always some retards who are like 3.9 and 2.9k party mmr and this 2k retard always instapicks some shit fucking useless fucking bitch boi carry like Arc Warden or Terrorblade and then it's fucking insta gg... :facepalm: