General Discussion

General DiscussionTo all smurfers out there

To all smurfers out there in General Discussion
milo milo

    Am i counted as smurf?

    Swap Commends

      No yo.U have 54% wr with 1k matches and u are in vhs.Gj man.

      Beaner Slayer

        the system is broken
        look at my wr
        im 4500 + support player

        i have been smurfing with my buddy on these accts
        u can be the best player in the world and still lose the game if you get 4 retard mexicans going mid with no cour\ier or wards the entire game

        Beaner Slayer

          theres also a shit ton more smurfs than there are newbs int he que pool


            ^ wtf is wrong with that acct, how come u didn't get HS/VHS in that yet?? Can any1 explain this shit, triplesenp??

            mr octupus

              i dont think i'm a smurf.

              Mike Wazowski..!

                Beaner slayer is not a 4.5k support.. He is a liar..


                  Smurf invasion xD


                    TBH if a person create 1 smurf acc is OK cause he trying to get himself into a higher skill bracket or higher MMR than his main acc

                    BUT if your creating countless of smurf expecting to get calibrated at 4K .You must be fucking crazy and insane cause your expecting different result even though your playing style is still same. IMO the best way to get higher MMR is to play on your main with whatever MMR you have and keep improving from there ....Do you think that creating alot of smurf acc is going to make u a better player ,NO it wouldn't.....For example look at Dendi , Miracle , W33 ,Puppey and etc pro player acc ,They all have around 3k-4k games played in their acc cause they didn't give up on their acc ..

                    mr octupus

                      create new account, wreck all noobs and you will go 4k+ or vice-versa. lmao


                        I guess mike is a hater that got stomped on


                          in fact id like to inv anyone to start a new acct and go 19-3 its fuking near impossible unless you are win trading or heavily stacking your team. and not even playing your normal position.