General Discussion

General DiscussionAdvice needed from any vhs player

Advice needed from any vhs player in General Discussion
Not Trying!

    Guys.. I play on hs bracket and its nth much I know.. transitioned from dota 1 recently and im looking to get to vhs at least by calibration.. alright now cutting the crap..

    I generally hav good knwledge abt dota though my mechanical skills r not "there" yet..

    So.. the reason for this thread is to ask u guys in vhs for a favour..

    Please do let me know what I should have done better in this match I think my laning stage went pretty well.. but we lost the game in the end and I end up feeding after a certain point..

    Please do check out the replay if u guys r willing and drop me any advice that u think I shud have done better..

    p.s I know its a lil troublesome but I would really appreciate any constructive comments..


      Farm more. Stop picking weaver every game. Tell your team to 5v5 not 4v5 with a furion jungle. Lead your RETARDS to victory.


        the only thing u need to worry about is your play. the system for calibrating skill is a complete joke. for one having farm and having good kda onlly matters to an extent. iv played this game for 11 years. and was 19-3 on this smurf a couple days ago.i probably have over 10k games logged i play support at probly 4.5-5k level. anyone can afk farm, what actually makes you good is having good game sense and knowing when to take fights and knowing when to initiate without hesitating . Winning the game in the end is the only thing that really matters KDA doesnt mean shit. When i am actually playing 5 support at high level my kda is usally not great because i will make sacrifices to keep the cores alive
        or do more dmg in a fight to change the outcome. constantly make sure wards are bought out your dewarding and carying dust having a tp on you at all times to tp to a dive in the early game. these are things that make you good. teh whole team should be working together or else its just plain thats a fact.


          stop picking a core instantly like every other retard when you dont know how to farm properly, maybe try some pos 3 4 5 and learn the finer aspects of the game. then you can start picking carries

          Not Trying!

            Thanks for that guys.. ^^

            The thing is.. I was playing weaver offlane.. and I was trying to rotate to set up ganks in other lanes by minute 7-10.. thats the reason why thr is no creep counts.. but true it was a 4v5 coz furion was jungling.. but I think I should have done something different which a vhs player would do or suggest..

            @beanerslayer.. really now mate..? I choose the hero during the final 5 secs usually.. did u even watch the game man? Well forget it.. btw.. I am VERY well versed in position 3/4.. this game for instance I was playing as offlaner or position 3.. I also play as pos 4 if u check out my bh matches.. but my most comfortable position is always mid or pos 2.. which I gave away to the wr in the match(bad decision)

            And I know kda doesnt matter when u dont play well and even if u go 19-3 u will still stay in normal skill.. I know that.. what I would like to know in this match buddy is what could I have improved..

            Thanks again believe in me.. appreciate ur comment.. owh btw I go weaver usually to wreck the specs and invoke on the other team..besides my go to hero for offitsofflanence I havent actually mastered the new void.. lol.. any other hero suggestion though?

            p.s : guys if any of u frm vhst would chip in with anything else please do..thanks guys..


              im pretty sure hes actually a smurf lol

              el niño peruano

                pick whatever u feel comfortable playing with and make ur mmr (which means: hero dmg, tower dmg, farm, items and net worth) xD

                Not Trying!

                  Haha.. if I am then I am a very bad smurf man.. I just started playing 2 coz I was waaay too comfortable playing dota 1 and cant really adjust to dota 2 graphics.. but then.. I started working at this new plc and all the guys talk abt is dota 2.. soo.. here I am.. lol


                    so basically u are worried about skill bracket after 27 games of dota 2? i had played like 1000 matches when i realized there's such thing as dotabuff

                    Not Trying!

                      Lol dude.. the fact that I have workmates that play dota 2 gives me the advantage of getting to know about such forums..

                      And im not worried about skill bracket mate.. I just want to know what I could have done better and vhs players r obviously the best person ask frm..

                      So do u have anything to say abt the match?


                        Watch replays of pro players in pubs. Compare to yours.


                          vhs is not even tht great, its just anything above 3.7k lul or some random smurf tryharding in pubs


                            if uw ant to play weaver offlane you shoudlnt gank hes a farmer and apusher


                              @ sorry i never watched the match i was talking general terms


                                @ Sorry!: Aside from the poor CS. Your item prioritization was very aggressive and greedy. You should've went for a defensive item first such as linkens or BKB to increase your survivability. Personally, in that game I wouldve gone with the Pinoy weaver build.

                                Not Trying!

                                  Got it guys.. will work on my next matches.. thanks so much for the advice u wonderful people.. haha