General Discussion

General DiscussionGeneral DOTA Advice

General DOTA Advice in General Discussion

    I see quite a few posts here about the toxic nature of the community, "bad teammates", lack of skill, flaming/tilting/raging/etc., and I think that it's largely up to us (as either players or enthusiasts) to make the DOTA community better and more enjoyable for everyone.

    Having said that, post your best advice that you have to make the game better for yourself and others.
    Here is some advice that I have, which I had posted on another thread recently:
    - DOTA is a TEAM game; you win and lose together. It doesn't win games to flame your teammates and/or rage/feed/abandon

    - When you get into games that you feel your teammates aren't pulling their weight (true or not), focus on tightening up your game. You can't change the way your teammates play, you can only focus on your play and making it better.

    - Attitude in-game is a huge part of how games are won, IMO. If you notice yourself becoming upset at a teammates play, just attempt to focus on something else in the game, maybe even pause for a brief moment to collect yourself if you are starting to tilt. Be an encouraging teammate; someone who motivates your team to work together, and play better!

    - If a teammate is bothering you and you have tried (nicely/constructively) to help them or the team through chat/voice, but they continue, MUTE THEM. Negativity is a quick way to destroy team dynamics and further send your game into a flat-spin.

    - Intelligent players don't resort to toxic behavior. Enough said.

    - NEVER GIVE UP. EVER. The game may be 100% a loss, but that doesn't mean that you should just cease to learn from the current game and try everything that you can. Games can turn around with a single teamfight!

    - Most importantly, at the end of each game (no matter how bad you think your team did) tell your teammates 'gg'. Leave each game on a positive note, put the last one out of your mind, and prepare for the next one. Always try to find at least one thing that you could have done better and make that your goal to improve on for the next game.


      I like your post Sir. +


        normal skill



          Player 175043649

            i have to agree with arin


              Thread isn't about skill, it's about advice for others on making the game/community better. Maybe those of you in VHS/HS would have some good advice.


                git gud and win 1v9


                  idk i feel like its something u cant have impact on. the only thing that can change is ur attitude/perception; u cant rly force other ppl to be different.


                    This community is full of toxic inbred foreigners. There's no "stepping up your game", this is a TEAM GAME, ME DOING BETTER DOESN'T WIN GAMES. MY TEAM NOT BEING SHIT AND FEEDING HOWEVER, DOES WIN GAMES. CASE CLOSED. Just the other fucking day, my support decided to buy iron branches instead of a courier. Enough fucking said.

                    King of Low Prio

                      ^ don't even have to check to tell he's normal bracket


                          ^dont u get shit games all the time as well?
                          i mean, the amount of 6k+ players in na is even lower than in eu; and even here they mostly get into shitty games with 5ks (like me).


                            Oh no! I'm normal skill bracket! Zero fucks given you retarded shit. Look at the amount of retards I get placed with then ask why I'm in f*cking normal. Watch a few random games and see what kind of sh*theads I have to deal with game to game. Done playing normal games since last night, custom games only from now on. Why? No pus*y ass kids.

                            lm ao

                              Man even 5k is shit rn

                              What to look forward in rmm

                              King of Low Prio

                                I boosted my girls account from 1.8k to 3k and it was beyond easy and I'm only 4.2k mmr. I got awful teammates every game and I still carried them. You just need to be better than the players in your bracket to progress.......hard concept to understand eh

                                Swap Commends

                                  Trust me,YOU can't change anything about the community.
                                  "Some just don't want to & don't try to win,Bcuz they suck,simple".
                                  The only thing u can do is praying maybe your team doesn't go full retard.
                                  Not to mention Valve doesn't give a simple fuck to casual gamers like us.
                                  The system just randomly puts ppl in a team and only mmr binds them together even with 2k gap! What a decent system they made!!
                                  So NO,you can't change anything.
                                  Dota2 is broken in the last 1 year.
                                  I miss old times


                                    well said Parasin. why can't peeps appreciate more love than hate.

                                    TELL YOUR GIRL TO WASH HE...

                                      @john wick If you lose that initial mental game within yourself, you may have already lost as much as 60% of the game. When that happens, chances are you are also contributing to a team-wide tilt and braindeath. Cmon, its not that hard to buy wards and courier even playing as core every once in a while. And if youre really that good as you think of yourself to be, you shouldve been out of that skill bracket ages ago. Why do we even have boosters that win games almost singlehandedly by themselves in low bracket games? Only if you begin to realize that it's YOU who needs to improve will you only begin to rise out of your bracket. I suggest you start with your attitude of "im infinitely better than everyone else but then i have retards who hold back my infiniteness" first.


                                        i like the sound of raging europeans in my ears in the evenings


                                          ^Since smell of napalm in the morning is gone?




                                              Give this man a cookie


                                                I played a game where my laning partner was basically a large creep. Would just auto attack the creeps unless the enemy heroes got close enough -> auto attack enemy hero. (Same as lane creeps).
                                                Luckally the opposing team played like passive bots. The game was hilarious.