General Discussion

General Discussiongold regen bonus from abandoned teammates

gold regen bonus from abandoned teammates in General Discussion
Player 215168758

    When 1 hero or 4 heroes abandoned the game, its a game losing for their team, but when 2 or 3 heroes abandoned the game, its a really game winning, since they got balanced condition between bonus gold regen and another hero to fight back.

    Gold regen given when 2 or 3 hero abandoned is not balanced, I have only win once when in my dota history if 2 or 3 enemies abandoned, absolutely unbalanced. They immediately got all luxury core item and easily 2vs5 or 3vs5. Almostly impossible to fight 3 man 10secs BKB with 150 damages each on mid game just because their team abandoned

    I hope next update will balance this. Absolutely not fun when you shine on early game and then lose like shit "3vs5 gg" when ur enemy doubles ur networth instantly

    Dire Wolf

      Actually it just depends on the heroes left on both sides. Certain hard carries with that passive gold can 2v5 or if hero left can high ground. But how's a team of 3 supports supposed to win?

      Livin' Real Good

        If you're losing 2v5's, then you have problems, regardless if they imbalanced gold income, just saying. That's like saying Miracle and Dendi would beat team secret with their bonus gold.

        Player 215168758

          Yeah and its overpowered, the gold regen income+ farming a few camps gives 500+ GPM and makes 3vs5 the way too easy. Surely need to be balanced