General Discussion

General DiscussionGuardian greaves on SPECTRE

Guardian greaves on SPECTRE in General Discussion

    I tried it on my smurf acct, Searing Arrows. 100% winrate so far. Impressive since i have no support in that 2 vhs games. Any thoughts?


      No support in laning stage*

      oke lol

        new meta!

        Creamer ni Don Cantoni

          yeah, i think definitely a go to item if you have no support

          brendlol, my anaconda don't

            Let's be real about this... 1. I just lolled a lot because you used your smurf account to support your question.
            2. The games where you won were against a team of 3 desolators or an SB with dagon and Eul's, and plenty of other carries on your team. This is normal matchmaking and wouldn't hold up in higher skilled games.
            It's cool but it's not efficient as GG is a really expensive item.

            Miku Plays

              whats the time window? 60 mins ??

              Creamer ni Don Cantoni

                no, i just thought i had my main accnt logged in .

                Creamer ni Don Cantoni

                  and guess what i won another game xD
                  I havent use sb yet in this acount.
                  and i think u have to build the GG b4 15-20 minute mark to snowball

                  Creamer ni Don Cantoni

                    and another one


                      Guardian Greaves - best boots. No reason not to buy them on cores, if you don't need TP.


                          Well if you built this before 15-20 minutes, the match is pretty much over.
                          One thing also, you have almost unlimited mana supply as a spectre early on, u wont waste time running or tpying back and forth . Another thing is if razor and sf once had a mek meta, why not spect? When she pretty much needs it

                          >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                            Pretty sure GG gives you some stats, but I don't think it's swell. I'd rather have tp shoes C:

                            registered flex offender

                              Only 2 of your spec games you had more kills than deaths. So Idk if you can say that gg helps you carry at all


                                while it may seem like a beneficial choice, there are far greater boots to get in a normal case scenario where your supports actually support you.


                                  I think its just a meta for scenarios where you meet 4 carries in one team, xD


                                    I don't see this as a viable build in a competitive scenario. I'm sure that in pub matches it can work, but there are better items that you could spend that money on; something to increase your farming.

                                    I mean GG does give you some extra regen, armor, and definitely helps you when you fall below 20%, but it costs 5,250g to create. For that price you could build a Radiance (which is great on Spectre), or nearly build a heart (costs 5,500g), which is also an amazing item pickup.

                                    Early game, sure I see the benefit. But realistically it's a poor choice, IMO if you have supports. I agree with the comment above me.


                                        I agree with you parasin, but unlike radiance or heart, greaves got a much cheaper component parts wich is usable/wearable which gives you a boost very early on. The arcane, the buckler and the headress, which turns to mek. Let's put it this way. Instead of building a vanguard like any other spect users would, you can go mek with almost the same price. Instead of building drums buy the recipe which is also the same amount of gold (or cheaper) plus youll get a sort of negative debuff.

                                        Another thing, as a spect, it is super hard to keep a 3000+ gold in your pocket while farming for a reaver or relic without stats or farming /defensive tools, and most of all w/out space creators or baby sitters. I mean you will be rendered useless until u build the rad or etc. With the components of greaves you can always join team fights just by having atleast the arcane and the buckler. Bettr team fight, better game.


                                          That explains the 38:13 average time with my spect games on my smurf


                                            its shit


                                              GG is a viable 6th pack just fucking maybe