General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat hero you build abyssal on now ?

What hero you build abyssal on now ? in General Discussion

    Haven't tried new abyssal yet but kinda pissed that it barely deals any damage now .


      same heroes as before
      but you can skip hp items
      like AM can skip vlad and hot
      i'd skip satanic and get deso abyssal on pa now but it's just my personal preference


        Riki bristle axe AM best new abyssal carries.
        Abyssal on PA is just bad honestly now. I mean lifesteal is still always better than vangard and it gives 10 dmg its really really horroble for PA now honestly


          No one. It's useless on all heroes. Doesn't work on Spirit Breaker, Slardar, Troll or Faceless so why bother. Even the bash damage is shit now.

          No AM is ever gonna buy that shit when they can buy Bloodthorne for massive damage and utility.


            are you seriously comparing abyssal to bloodthorne?


              any rightclick agiliti hero especially antimage it replaces the need for a heart leting you have an extra slot for butterfly or mkb if a pa or wr in the game etc


                im am an avid antimage player and i would pick abyssal over bloodthorne and the uutliltity remark is just dumb one lets you silence and and the other silances and completely immobilizes the other unit, i went antimage skipped vlads didnt get heart got abyssal and ended carry 4 negative kd scrubs 20-2-11


                  Avid antimage player
                  Normal skill kappa


                    I'm ok with the new change to abyssal. I believe they changed it to a more defensive/utility type of weapon so Late game cores will have to choose either to go for stunlock or to go more offense instead of having it 2 in 1. Prolly use for offlaners now like doom, Bristleback, axe, centaur and the likes.


                      you don't


                        am, pl, naga, bb, spectre, maybe axe?...

                        Pale Mannie



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                              bristle back best abyssal carrier now


                                I did it on terrorblade 4Head


                                  The item is very underwhelming right now to be honest, I kind of like the idea of making it a survivability item with an offensive passive/active but still, you buy f**king vanguard !!! If it were a sange instead and a smaller recipe price the item would have been really good and would have been a big boost to both squishy agi carries and str carries.

                                  Make it something like: basher + sange + 1200g recipe and should give something like, 30 dmg, 35str, 80 bash damage and a 25% chance to maim for 30% movement speed and 30 attack speed.

                                  lm ao

                                    im kinda pissed now that i cant use abyssal on ta anmore rofl


                                      Why do people pretend they weren't using Abyssal for the massive damage? AM with nu Abyssal hits like a kitten, especially when u have BKB on.

                                      Dire Wolf

                                        mkb and daedulus are both cheaper and do more dmg, so it's not like there aren't alternatives to get your dmg. I think they just wanted to get agility carries away from basher, which really I don't mind. Have you ever fought a jugger late with abyssal? Instant stun lock, it's bullshit.

                                        I do think the recipe is too expensive though, reduce cost by like 800g.


                                          T E R R O R B L J A T


                                            Some offlaners now can build Abyssal for extra stun and get tanky as well


                                              Abysal used to be the highest damage item in the game (aside from rapier) and now it's absolute garbage. It's a glorified vanguard with bash and a bkb piercing disable with a price tag of "just" 6.4k gold.

                                              Fuck dis shit.


                                                Welp I love the bash too much on heros that attack fast so I'll just be upgrading my basher last after I have 6 slots and boots of travel I guess .


                                                  idk i did vang radiance on tb and later made it abyssal


                                                    Don't get me wrong, i like the idea of creating a tank item with utility, but it they wanted to go that way, reaver would have made a lot more sense than vanguard. Give an the item tankines comparable to that of a heart and with bash and it would have been fine. You could keep the Vlads on AM and have abysal as your disable AND tank item (instead of heart) and it would make him scale better into the lategame.


                                                      IMO, the change is for late game carries. It's either you kill your opponents quick or you disable them long enough for a slow painful death. The old abyssal provided both which was quite strong that you could kinda 1v5 as the old abyssal was a whole package of offense, utility and a bit of defense. Who wants to see a slark who already has essence shift dealing tons of damage and stunlocking the enemy? Or having to be decimated by AM who's already so mobile and has mana burn AND has a power item that gives him the ability to bash? It's most prolly to promote coordination in teams instead of going YOLO becauae you have a +70dmg stun item.


                                                        im pretty sure you don't buy abyssal on anyone now.

                                                        just get casual basher at most. if you need guaranteed lockdown buy sheep instead.

                                                        the only time i predict you get abyssal is if you need basher, and you upgrade into abyssal late game when all other items are done including moonshard and shit.

                                                        it's such a shitty upgrade now just to get a guaranteed stun. i'd rather have a +200dps item than 1 guaranteed stun.

                                                        TL;DR: Only buy abyssal if basher is core, and you have already buffed moonshard and you're 7 slotted.

                                                        @ Anyone saying abyssal should be fore STR Cores not AGI cores, then why the fuck this shit item give you HP and not STR?

                                                          Suletta MerCarry

                                                            I had a recent ranked game with CK where I bought it just for the bkb-piercing stun. Its stats are meh at best compared to what it used to be, and I thought 'well damage block goes to illusions now so that's a shitty side-bonus.'

                                                            We've basically won by the time I had the abyssal but I honestly think I should have built MKB or Heart instead. Not too sure about the new buildup. Making use of vanguard is typically getting within the first ~20 mins of the game and basher is better later on in the game when you're a carry and you have a fair amount of attack speed.

                                                            Right now I'm thinking it's basically just for the active. Progressing an early vanguard into this item is viable on like maybe Bristleback at most. I'd still have it on a 6-slotted carry though -- the active is worth it.
