General Discussion

General DiscussionHow is Normal/High/High Skill bracket calculated?

How is Normal/High/High Skill bracket calculated? in General Discussion
Oscar Mayer Weaver

    I was always under the impression that certain people could make new accounts and then skill into high or VH if they won a lot, had high KDAs, and/or game impact. Then I saw this guy, and I am wondering wtf

    Can anyone explain to me how it is possible that this guy didn't skill into a higher bracket?


      Your gameplay..

      Oscar Mayer Weaver

        Not really a helpful response..


          He played party only with normal skill friends


            There is a guy in his party for a few game doing the same thing with a 90% win rate!

            AMERICA=1 south africa=0

                Troll acc

                Eternal Ember

                  Winrate has no direct effect on player's skill. Maybe that guy is vhs gamer on his main account, make a low skill bracket account queued with normal skill friends to have a break on vhs game pressure and saltiness.


                    nmm has its own calibration, and ur performance afterwards matters way less. u can intentionally fuck up ur very first games and kind of calibrate at 1k hidden mmr, and then start playing normally. it will take a while to reach the mmr u actually deserve.

                    other possible explanations are:
                    -hide match history toggle abuse
                    -just stacki with people whose skill is way above their hidden party mmr (lets say someone who calibrated at 3k when ranked mm was released, grinded to 7k since then, but hasnt played a single nmm game within that period and his hidden mmr remained at 3k)

                    Eternal Ember

                      That guy went bot matches, his mistake was he played ranked too early not knowing his still on normal skill bracket. Seems he's sitting 1-2.5k mmr. Soon he will reach his actual MMR . 50/50% winrate.😂