General Discussion

General DiscussionLast pick support or #YOLOSWAG 5-carry-typical-sea-cancer team?

Last pick support or #YOLOSWAG 5-carry-typical-sea-cancer team? in General Discussion

    If you find yourself the mastermind of all trying to figure out what was lacking in your team to react to the opposite team picks, chances are you find yourself often last picking. What do you do if you do last pick, when your team (which you will flame later) picked 4 carries, having their eyes rolling on you hoping you to pick a support?




        Last picking is for puss!es! jk pick another core for maximum sh!ts n giggles.

        Eternal Ember

          Blame yourself for not improving, those issues is normal in every game at low skilled games😂

          Eternal Meow

            Someone first picks a carry that's easy to counter. They get counter picked and blame everybody else for not going first even though they locked in instantly. If you go last your team will ask you to pick support because nobody has picked a support. If you pick another carry your team will tell you that you are a selfish player and you should play the carry as a support because it was your responsibility to pick support. Now leave the fountain with no courier unless you buy it. Team gets raped by any invis heroes because it's nobody's responsibility to buy sentries/dust either. Team gets ganked all the time because there are no wards. No one will buy support items unless you buy them. Even if you do buy them you will be spammed constantly to buy more of them.

            I usually just pick a support when I see 4 carries on my team. I have come to accept the only time I will play carry is on a 5 carry team. Even the support heroes are being played as carries. On a team with 3 support heroes there will be not one single ward on the map.

            Vem Comigo

              Last pick furion - cliff jungle - 12 minutes midas - 18 minutes boots - 28 minutes aghs -
              first pick axe - goes offlane agaisnt omni+ tuskerino - wreck both -12 minutes 4 people bot to kill me - no one pushes top or mid
              Braindead cm that used her frezze 2 times on team fights, she just ulted right away, leading to a snowball from tusk.
              clinkz that never pushed.


                YOU oNLY YOLO ONCE


                  go woods axe if you have 4 carry