General Discussion

General DiscussionQuestions regarding my favorite heroes 6.87

Questions regarding my favorite heroes 6.87 in General Discussion
lm ao

    1. Templar Assasin: do you think shes gonnabe strong this patch?My style of playing her had always been winning the resource war: farming a very fast Desolator with ancient stacks and smoke-solo rosh and 2 hit people or melt down towers really fast, utilizing the aegis to keep my tempo. Is 6,87 requiring me to deviate from the deathball strat completely? I have zero idea how to play her anymore.

    2. Puck: Veil got nerfed, the change on Euls hurt a bit as well. Do you think mids will be buying raindrops, cause it really hinders puck's amazing solo kill potential pre dreamcoil. Is drums now a good pickup on her? Will she still rock for this patch?

    E: 3. Mirana: Aghanims rush? )))


      i'm still playing TA same in 6.86. Stacking Ancients, going for that fast blink. Now i'm going treads, aquila, Blightstone, blink, deso.


        Drums are terrible. Dragon lance is much better just for stats, bonus range aside.
        Orchid into Bloodthorn may become popular.
        Also new Diffusal with 40 manaburn looks good (main counter vs TA is Ghost Scepter and TP scroll).

        me, government hooker

          whats the veil nerf
          i still built it on puck seemed good

          me, government hooker

            oh 6 less intelligence and dispellable.. pretty sure u can still build it.

              lm ao

                You dont play fast blink on 6.86 ta, u rush desolator and solo rosh, since the timing for your dagger would still be not that far even with the lack of neut stacks

                Dune, the Desert Planet

                  You never go for a fast Blink on TA. Always Deso first.

                  Dune, the Desert Planet


                    1. there isn't really an other way to play TA. Roshan nerf hurts like hell tho. Aquila nerfed as well. SnY on ranged nerfed. Melee heroes have more range than level 1 TA lul. Axe, Viper, Slark, WK, among others got buffed, and they shit on Lanaya.

                    2. Puck isn't a she.


                      think veil was actually buffed more than nerfed since u get better buildup of double nulls in lane

                      lm ao

                        So what do i do on ta now? Go back to phase+blink maximize my farm because teamfights are gonna be less frequent but have proportionally more impact?

                        lm ao

                          Also people pls address my concerns for infused raindrops i dont just play on my main normal skill account u know

                          Dune, the Desert Planet

                            IDK, haven't played new patch. But I'm gonna stick to Deso rush. Pike might seem like a gimmick item, but will test it. Lance is strong now, 1900 gold for 15 str and agi + range.


                              aquila isnt a msut anyway u jsut go wb wand then sell the wb when ure out of slots
                              what about the raindrops? jsut get it if u tihnk u need the magic block lol

                              lm ao

                                I dont go aquila unless i go blink first, i end up selling wb to make space for dagger

                                After rosh my items are usually treads,tp,bottle,desolator,blink and the aegis

                                About raindrops omg do u know how to get context i meant it would be an issue to puck, id rather buy raindrops over wand if i were a qop/ember/bat


                                  I think TA is going to be much stronger in lane since you can get an early blightstone for free minus armour. The Roshan buffs might hurt her though. The reduced XP might mean its not worth it to solo rosh early. Still think she's going to be one of the stronger mids this patch.

                                  lm ao

                                    yes but blight stones passive gets incorporated into desolator with no change

                                    so i guess i go phase+blight+dagger rn