General Discussion

General DiscussionStorm Spirit first item Bloodthorne

Storm Spirit first item Bloodthorne in General Discussion

    6.86 I would go for Bloodstones first, then towards the end of the patch i realised there wasnt much of a mana trade off for Orchid so i started buying that first item and I improved alot. This patch i tried going for the Bloodstones first but i just feel like i zip into a fight, deal no damage then take too much damage then have to zip out (as if i can only get a kill out of a gank on someone already extremely low). So if anyone has Tried Orchid first this patch, i just wanted to know if you would go for Bloodthorne next, or would you go for bloodstones? Or would you just do something completely different?

    (p.s. yeah i have a 43% WR with storm but i still play him and i still have questions about him, any advice will help.)

      King of Low Prio

        you might try making treads


          I do go for treads when i orchid first item, only arcanes for dissassemble bs

          Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

            Your doing fine. Its just Storm nowadays is still pretty hard to play coz of his mana cost nerf. Some guy advice to build a aghs+dag combo so that you have a "mini black hole" in like every 6 seconds. Play as a team AOE disabler instead of the old school lone wolf killer.


                Treads and wand first help a ton, arcanes is a very all in build. Also holy fuck I didn't see BS change, 12 charges is fucking insane. Lesh should come back soon too.

                stupid fuck 2000

                  Since the new patch came out I think it's stupid not to go bloodstone first. The 12 charges buff is way too big to not take advantage of it, as soon as you get it it's like you already got 4 kills. It's insane. I did it in my last 2 storm games (arcanes into bloodstone) and I dominated the entire match.


                    i did magic wand treads bloodstone orchid last game and owned


                      bloodthorn is waste unless u are playing against pa and u have a few rightclickers in ur team


                        ^ TY, so go for BS first item this patch for sure?

                        me, government hooker

                          u got bs 1st item even 2-3 patches ago (6.84 or w/e) when storm was a good hero

                          me, government hooker

                            i mean hes pretty ok now too



                              lm ao

                                STORMS A-COMINGGGG
                                GET SET FOR HEAVY WEATHAHHH
                                IS THAT A SPOTLIGHT? ON ME?


                                  OSfrog shazamicon IM OVER HERE! shazamicon OSfrog HO HO SoBayed LOOKING FOR ME? OSfrog shazamicon HAHA!! OSfrog shazamicon ZIP ZAP SoBayed ZIIIIIIIP OSfrog shazamicon