General Discussion

General DiscussionAm I destined to be a support? TT

Am I destined to be a support? TT in General Discussion

    Average last hits = 80

    Like to roam and ganking
    Like to tp where allies are ganked
    Have a good map awareness and sense of gameplay (self claimed but yes I do)
    Feeling last hitting all the time are boring
    Buy all wards in inventory and so itchy to place where it's "dark"
    Feel so satisfied finding enemy's obs and deward it.
    So happy when I counter gank by tp in and kill the gankers...
    Always know where the good spot to wards
    Feel angry when there are wards in inventory (needs to be empty all the time)

    But I wanna play core man TT


      well its your last 20 games avg lh 80 or 25 games i dont remeber.




          Average last hits = 80
          last 20-25 games, idk did i write something unclear


            What s with being a support? It s a bad thing now?


              ^ because they always blame the support then its hard to support carry if he/she is noob and in the end its frustrating they always say wards all over the entire game


                80 last hits is a lot.

                I tried to farm, I swear!

                Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                  Dude, what? (눈_눈)


                    @Ayase ヽ(*≧ω≦)ノ
                    Wow! You do 40.44 last hits every 10 minutes by average.

                    Mine is 12.75.


                      Not even 15 last hits...typical position 5 lol


                      Why play cores when u can be a great support? Let me remind you that the greatest pro dota 2 team captains are supports..This position takes more skills than playing cores though.

                      "Support and proud! "

                      Execute Order 322

                        They don't usually play supports in ranked tho

                        ASSESS Product

                          Same here. Even when I play carry, i'm so itchy to buy ward when its too dark.


                            Lower rank, i think.

                            Below 4k is as chaostic as pub game..last guys ll have to pick sup lol. Not to mention a 20-30min gem for riki or bh on the other team..when they were obese, not just fat.. lol


                              it's good to be a supp
                              no supp no wards lol


                                If you like all that stuff support for sure , good supports gain mmr Easyier than good carries unless really low mmr I guess


                                  with slark u can kill 2 people near fountain while tier 3 is still standing, but you can't do that with a support

                                  bum farto

                                    None of the things you mentioned are exclusively reserved for supports. There is this really awful attitude that if you're on tilt, or the weakest player, or any number of reasons you should support.

                                    In stacks I guess that much is true but the fact is supports run the game till everything comes online and if you're absolute garbage you will end up weakening any presence that your cores may have had later or mid game.

                                    Everything you mentioned is things that you should be doing anyways, in fact it sounds more like an offlaner to me which was part of the reason I started playing offlane.


                                      ^havoc wow thats pretty accurate my most played hero like necro and ns played offlane.

                                      supp is great my name wards win win games... my mmr is 2.09x its so rare to have good supp in your team

                                        Mao Xina

                                          considering all the things u showed here then whts wrong with playing supp? especially when u cant last-hit properly. at least last-hitting is a must for carry wannabe. so keep playing supp man its a sacred role in this game.


                                            Its not that I can't last hit.

                                            Sometimes I cant get lh cause its 1v3 on lh your supp use their spells to get all the lh..I do think they understand the concept of lane equilibrium...not many ppl can chain pull...

                                            The last time I played spectre I second pick it but then they pick jugg and 1 more core safelane... the supp disruptor ask me to pick spec and I went with him offlane...
                                            You know what I mean?

                                            Supp isnt that bad but I always end up mostly playing support..its rare i play carry..u know what when I supp...I AM THE ONLY supp...and they spam need wards all the time...i need to keep my carry alive and ward the other side of the its frustrating

                                            lm ao

                                              Yo op just be flexible, understand both the carry and support role so you can climb

                                              mom said it's my turn to ...

                                                op sorry i cant stroke your ego atm still busy stroking mine what about check on me a bit later kthx brb mwahugz ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) 


                                                  Play with a stack that allows you to play and learn the carry role.

                                                  My support game improved so much once I was able to learn the carry role.


                                                    Just play a support with a core presence at certain times of the game (enchantress, earth spirit)


                                                      I still don't double pull . Probs should learn though for the games I gotta play support


                                                        Some carry players know only that single pulls are bad, but they don't know why... It happened to me in one of my recent games, I did a single pull as a Lich and ate ranged creep at the same time. All melee creeps died, but my carry said: "Lich, your brain is dead, never do single pulls!" T_T

                                                        >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                                          Supporting is lots of fun honestly.
                                                          CM is the ba3
                                                          and I need to work on double pulls



                                                            Was his point not that you could have farmed two camps?


                                                              If started maining Support just few days ago and I just cant stop farming some games i Start as Support lina and still have Most lh and Most hero dmg

                                                              Pale Mannie

                                                                After 2 days of ignoring this post i read this and thought about nothing but commenting this