General Discussion

General DiscussionPa is even more useless

Pa is even more useless in General Discussion
Arek Akashi

    Pa is even more useless , it is so funny that they nerf her even more with
    1)blade mail
    3)reduced dmg abysall

    Arek Akashi

      they must delete her from the game , why the fuck would anyone pick pa even omni+pa combo is usleess vs blademail


        Because she is strong in normal skiLL


          You forgot the new Silver Edge. Gosh . Much hate on the hero

          Arek Akashi

            yeah lol trash hero


              slark with edge will destroy equally farmed pa in 2 seconds. They really need to make her dodge like backtrack or smth, this hero will never get close to 50% in higher skilled games.

              Dire Wolf

                She's not that hard to fix, streaky dmg is an issue almost more than her dodge issue. They should increase the chance of crit to like 25-35% and reduce the dmg so overall dmg increase is same but more reliable.

                Then make blur add some armor as well like 2/3/4/5. At 2k hp end game when blur is pretty useless that armor will increase ehp by 600 and make up for the loss a bit.

                ASSESS Product

                  Or you could build missile dagger on her kappa

                  Livin' Real Good

                    She's really hard to balance, cause at 4K + she's shit, but 1-3K MMR she dominates, cause she's so braindead easy to use, and takes advantage of people with shitty positioning skills that are asking to get daggered and blinked on, especially 2K supports.


                      She doesnt dominate at 1_3k MMR. She does a little better and it isnt because she is braindead to use. Elder Titan also does a lot better in lower MMR where people dont even know that his Q is a sleep not a stun.

                      ASSESS Product

                        I once manage to sleep 5 people at 1 time but my team didnt know that if hitting will result them to move back and i miss my ulti bcoz of that.


                          PA has never really been a useful hero. farmfarmfarmlose gameplan is shit.

                          Your Wife's Boyfriend

                            PR got owned by a PA, so no, also the blademail yes, but the new dagger is way stronger, it is still a very situational hero


                              You make it sound like the new blademail ONLY counters PA.

                              It counters everyone, everyone was negatively affected by it and if everyone is affected by it, you don't count it as a nerf to only PA.


                                Yes, but when you have a tiny health pool and deal massive burst damage blademail will be a bigger issue.

                                Johnny Rico

                                  Build echo saber on her, trow dagger and wait for 2 crits, lol.

                                  >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                    Just get mkb instead of AB

                                    Though I have to agree. I loved the hero, but now she's not as vital.


                                      My god can people stop saying she is strong in Normal skill. She is trash in normal skill, you literally can only play he well if she gets 50+ minutes of free space. how is 48% winrate in 1k bracket considered good in normal skill? If I get pa in my games I either actually carry the fuck out of her or end up feeding to end the game

                             this is one example and the PA had highskill solo games (was playing party) If it wasn't for me she would of been useless with no one else dealing damage and/or tanking


                                        Not a fan was decent at countering sniper when sniper was op but that's it .


                                          ECHO SABRE PA IS LEGIT!


                                            Pa is still great and you can counter blademail with a platemail(+14 armor)+lifesteal or simply feed off non-bm targets till you finish your satanic/cuirass. Fucking noobs try to 1vs1 with any hero a pa at min 20 with a bfury which crits for 800dmg.


                                              "Not knowing how to play a hero in a proper way" is different from "that hero has been weakened".


                                                It still good if u got initiation in team at whs and hs, and much more useful than am and other carrys that need farm more than 10 min.


                                                  Just give me bf, and I'll get bkb + satanic first (stacking ancients by dominator like sven).
                                                  And fuck bm then.

                                                  Bread Mage

                                                    PA needs a rework, really. She's never really been relevant in pro games, and even in pubs she's not overly useful. She needs an item to farm (BF), another item to fight (BKB), and even then she's not uniquely effective. The new dagger can stay, and Phantom Strike is ok, but Blur/Coup de Grace is just a bad, bland skill - the worst kind.

                                                    Professor Dog

                                                      Don't hit the bm?

                                                      Magbalugtong Jr.

                                                        1) not every hero will build a blademail
                                                        2) manta, bkb, diffusal
                                                        3) you buy basher/abyssal primarily because u wanna bash enemy hero + vanguard on AM or PA in early game is not that bad


                                                          ECHO SABRE PA IS LEGIT!



                                                            sny deso would be nice or slahser's way


                                                              really? in my bracket this hero is cancur. in laning phase always spam dagger to me and if his partner a stunner... voila ! got kill
                                                              and cuz of fucking tome of knowledge that make pa fast lv >16 in 30 minute. this hero in my bracket always make comeback tho

                                                              Sei la

                                                                yeah, PA was already a bad hero overall, and now is even worse. Still pretty fun hero to play. Just don't tryhard picking her... or techies... or arc warden...

                                                                Noob Player

                                                                  Why dont valve just delete her instead lmao


                                                                    yea PA is gfukcing dogshit cuz bloodthorn and blademail

                                                                    xD DOtaBUFF xD

                                                                    >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                                                      Yeah, bloodthorn is beautiful. That truestrike + guaranteed crit makes 1.2k health pa disappear


                                                                        People always say bloodthorn deletes PA but Bloodthorn is removed by BKB (and any other dispels). Any decent PA should have BKB long before the enemy finishes a bloodthorn. And if PA is regularly being killed with bloodthorn after the BKB duration then she should buy a diffusal or manta to remove it.

                                                                        Although if the game has gone so late that the enemy has a bloodthorn then the enemy carry is probably too strong for PA to beat anyway.

                                                                        >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                                                          Manta is actually great on pa now since abyssal nerf


                                                                            This thread made me remember this little gem I happened to watch not long ago:

                                                                            To be fair, I think this was still in 6.86, but it was still a hell of a game.