General Discussion

General Discussion3.9k Scrub HELP!

3.9k Scrub HELP! in General Discussion

    Hello, I am back to dota after about 1.5 years and a lot has changed. Is there anyone that wants to add me so we can practice (1v1 or party)


      Play with bots. Hard ones

      King of Low Prio

        You can add me I'm 4.2k mmr and will probably be back playing soonish


          ^ you're only high skill how the hell you become 4k?

          >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf


            Player 175043649

              @Calm your Teeths </3 im 4k too but unranked still got high skill


                I'm 4.2k and my unranked is high skill, so what? Lolz

                During time of afk-low prio I went 0-15 for like 50x games in a row, so I downgraded my unranked mmr