General Discussion

General DiscussionIs Europe easier than SEA?

Is Europe easier than SEA? in General Discussion
Gandalf the Racist

    I was working in thailand, and my winrate sucked, 45%. Everybody spoke different languages, always disconnecting halfway through.

    Now I'm back in england and wow. People communicate, and my winrate so far is insane.

    Is it really easier in europe? Because of better teamwork or worse players? or have I just been very lucky?


      Thanks for giving a go at what we face as everyday matter. Not the disconnecting though if you had decent connection, but still one would expect to be affected by one teammate/enemy who disconnects often.

      Gandalf the Racist

        Maybe because I am new and a low rank, but in SEA every 2-3 matches someone would disconnect. I thought it was normal...


          EU is prolly the hardest


            but it doesnt really matter in lower skills brackets


              Saying that a certain region is better than others is relevant only for 6k+ brackets, all the regions are fairly equal for lower MMRs

              Gandalf the Racist

                I see. So how come in Thailand my winrate was less than 45%, and so far in UK its 92%? My skill is not suddenly good. Just luck?


                  Eu PROBABLY has higher skill level but sea is harder for the solo player because u have to win games alone.

                  Livin' Real Good

                    Don't play on US if you want to lose MMR, but if you want to gain MMR, Europe west might be pretty easy. (inb4 hate) Kappa


                      Why the hell did you add me and then immediately unfriend me ^^^


                        yes it is