General Discussion

General DiscussionIs this how 5.5k Slark looks like? Serious question regarding this ga...

Is this how 5.5k Slark looks like? Serious question regarding this game. I'd appreciate ANY input. in General Discussion

    Game I want to talk about:

    What happened in that game:

    Basically, Me(Shadow Fiend, 4.2k trash), EmotionalDrift, (Lion3.5k trash), robertosamuj(Slark 5.5k trash) stacked to play together some dotes.

    I'd appriciate if someone could look up the replay and tell me if Slark's calls/decisions making/playing is on point or not, for 5500 match making points.

    The reason why I made this topic is because, after we lost the game( AND YES, I do blame Slark-robertosamuj for losing this game), this is what he said:

    "you guys all suck. You're so bad at this game"

    Now since he obviously claims he's really 5.5k and that he didn't suck in that game, I'd really appreciate that you guys judge and decide if that's true or not.

    I'd say this topic is anyways better than daily: HOW TO GET VHS, why I can't escape from (put mmr) or stupid spaming in ayylmao.

    Let the shitposting beging

    King of Low Prio

      yea hes pretty on point with you guys sucking


        Oh. All his gold went into that Divine Rapier, huh? And all of those magic nukes and he risks a Divine without even having a BKB? Erm... I might be 2k trash, but I do question this logic.
        I feel like this gold should have been spent on upping his Shadow Blade, a Moon Shard, and BKB.
        That Pudge did do pretty terrible though. Can't blame him 100%.



          It's really easy to say that, but you have to make sure you're not wrong.



            I bought rapier, when we were literally 2 raxes behind, because he made some really bad calls. You'll see when you watch the game.

            That was literally all in. Even if I didn't go for rapier ,we would of still lose this, because non of us had buyback, and last fight went really bad.

            Rapier was purchased maybe 5 mins before we lost, as last resort.


              So... where did all of his gold go?
              I feel like a Slark with 600 GPM in a 50 minute game should easily be 6 slotted. He had 5 slots, and it doesn't even show that he consumed a moon shard.


                That's question you should ask mr. 5500 MMR player. He has Dotabuff, if he wants, he can answer. :)

                The fact that he said we all suck(I didn't even say I'm good at this game, I'm aware i'm pretty shit), but saying we're bad and you're not, just because of some magical number is fucking bullshit.

                I think legit 5.5k player would win this hands down, and I do think as 4.2k SF I did decent job. Farming could be better, maybe some different items, but hey, I do still blame him for losing.


                  idk how well u all play, but the pud is the main problem.


                    Well... a few more notable things about the game:
                    1. You had to buy wards and a Gem, instead of your supports. As a Shadowfiend, that is NOT good. You spending the gold for those things slows down your snowball potential - that is your supports fault.
                    2. The Slark DID get a Moon Shard, it just isn't being shown in Dotabuff (apparently he had a silver edge at some point) :

                    And I do suck, but I am interested in who was supposed to initiate fights?
                    You had a BKB to allow a SF ult initiation, but you sold your blink dagger and you didn't have a shadowblade.
                    I am actually becoming a fan of the Agh's on SF. Allows him to hit 30 points harder, gives him stats, and makes his ult do about 5000 damage.


                      without even looking I can tell you yes. Whenever I play with lower rated ppl than me I want to kill myself sometimes xd I bet they don't even know why we lost some games :D but he didn't play well either looking at his build and stats.


                        @ Elduryb I sold blink as last resort, when I bought Divine. Lion had blink, pudge had hook, they can initiate. I bought wards to help solo support Lion, he needed money for blink

                        @ Mashiro even tho Pudge didn't play good, dealing with deadweight as 5.5k player should be easy. They also had 0-18 WD, to balance things out. Pudge was at least willing to communicate and help as much as he could .

                        @ Affect that's bullshit mate, if no one is forcing anyone to play with anyone. If you're good at this game you're good, no excuses.

                        When I play in low 3k and 2k mmr, I literally give 0 fucks about their decisions and win game on my own, it's just a bonus if they want to listen.

                        This was just 3.8k MMR avg game, for 5.5k guy this should be breeze, esp, since I wasn't arogant stuborn bitch. I tried to do my best and to communicaet with my team. Despite all effort I wasted, Slark gave 0 fucks, and died 2 times for no reason which lost us the game.


                          stupid spaming in ayylmao

                          nc joke

                          Pom Pom 🍕

                            He disassembled the silver edge to make skadi.


                              3.8k?? LUL I thought it was a lot higher, yea I shitstomp 500 mmr lower games than my rating, so this should be way too easy for a 5.5k. :d I remembered I got some slark games in low 4k like 4.1 - 4.3k avg maybe with teammates that sucked dick and made me play 1v5



                                Exactly. I find 3.5k even easy as 4.2k trash, and not so long ago I was in that bracket. Can't fucking understand how as 5.5k player you CANT win game in 3.8 if you have decent SF who didn't lost mid, killed Tinker once, listened to your calls, for example, he told me to buy gem, and I did, even tho I didn't like it.

                                As I said, watch the game if you have time, you'll probably facepalm..


                                  u cant do dat now dude, it has a recipe

                                  A waifu a day keeps socie...

                                    You can't disassemble silver edge to make skadi


                                      Little help from me, what to watch :D

                                      30:25 (Is this how 5.5k brain works?) If so, okay. My brain works differently, but nice trade! :D

                                      39:30 (This was good one, right? I told him to wait, because I can't get there in time, he's fucking slark, he's fast af, he went and died?)

                                      42:10 (I guess this is how 5.5k players play? Right?)

                                      Watch what happens after: 42:21..


                                        when u call most 4ks are trash, maybe yes cuz some of them got by luck of calibrating with his farmer carry or an acc buyer. If u call 5.5ks (not a spammer or acc buyer) is trash i dont think so, hes grinding mmr by himself with much winning right? some of them are arrogant with they skill yes, but still they can making a bad decisions, or having a bad day, or titled. its just 1 game, u can stop whinning now and start a new game ^_^


                                          You even had a better kda than that fucker.

                                          5.5k my ass. He must be an account buyer

                                          And I was right. Just a shitty account buyer looking to talk all big till he gets destroyed in a game.

                                          You were playing with an account buyer

                                          King of Low Prio

                                            isnt shred still 3k?


                                              If you have someone at least 1 person in your team doing well and ur way better than everyone else in this match it's pretty much 99.99% impossible to lose :D at least that's how I feel when I play lower games.



                                                Yeah affect, I agree. :)

                                                @ Samspon, I recently got to 4k again, atm I'm 4225. After I came back from my smurf I started to rise in MMR slowly.

                                                But it's not about me here, since even if I'm 3k, that's irelevant.


                                                  @ Neko, it happens that this guy is well known here and he's not an account buyer. He's just smurfing.

                                                  I don't have his permision to say who he is tho, that's how he wants it to be.


                                                    "when u call most 4ks are trash, maybe yes cuz some of them got by luck of calibrating with his farmer carry or an acc buyer. If u call 5.5ks (not a spammer or acc buyer) is trash i dont think so, hes grinding mmr by himself with much winning right? some of them are arrogant with they skill yes, but still they can making a bad decisions, or having a bad day, or titled. its just 1 game, u can stop whinning now and start a new game ^_^"

                                                    Fair enough bro, everyone has bad games. But if you lose game because of your bad calls, and call your team shit, and think that you did good, you have to question his 5.5k mmr, esp. since I don't even think he's 5.5k in the first place.


                                                      ^I know who he is :) I haven't watched that game and I don't know if I will, maybe if I will be bored at some point tomorrow, but in some games like here I was having easy time. But then fights happen and we dont have fucking detection against mirana ult, I can't hit shit and get kited, that pisses me off and I don't want to flame, but some ppl played pretty bad and I don't like some item choices, so I'm fucking done with that game like I just want to go next and then fight starts again we have no detection at this point I'm just fucking done, I suicide buyback and do that again, cuz I don't want to waste any more time for the same shit that will happen over over and over again. Dunno what happened in ur game, but he might have done something simillar to this maybe xd


                                                        He's not in this match, this is not the guy I'm talking about. xD


                                                          ^ye I know, this is just example xD his name starts with K right? xd


                                                            Affect, don't do this to me dude. xd

                                                            Your Wife's Boyfriend

                                                              this slark isn't 5.5k, a smurf acc with 40 games means nothing, also never blame teammates, especially if you are stacked with them in a ****ing party why would you even invite someone if you are going to blame each other like 14 y olds, and no, every loss you gotta take it as a whole teams responsibility, you can only blame someone if all 4 of you played totally flawless and that is impossible


                                                                ofc i'll blame him after he told us we're shit and he played perfectly

                                                                Your Wife's Boyfriend

                                                                  I'm saying it is rly weird that you are in a party and blaming each other. The point of party mm is to play with friends and have more fun. I've never seen party members blaming each other especially in a forum. You ve even played 9 games with him like wtf.


                                                                    kumbobapman xd


                                                                      @vertoxity from your replies, I feel that what you want is others to agree with you that slark is a problem there.

                                                                      When others comment, you tried to explain why slark is the problem or even insist that slark is the problem. If you sincerely want to receive inputs rather than acknowledgement, try to ask the reason for others' input instead of defending your statement from their input


                                                                        @ asdf, exactly, we shouldnt. That's what hurts, my friend told me rude things and he blamed us because he wasn't capable of carrying 3.8k game as 5.5k player. It's not like I started this, I actually tolerated him for quite a lot, but now I'm done, because he doesnt want to stop.

                                                                        @Tyrion Targaryen

                                                                        You are right mate, I won't hide that I want others to tell me and agree with me, because I think I'm right.

                                                                        I would not come up with this shit if he had guts to say he played it badly or if he just didn't say anything. I was ready to just get over that game and forget about anything, but if you're that arogant to actually blame others because you're not capable of handling 3.8k game as 5.5k player, and yet it happens that you're in stack with 2 out of 5 people, then hell yeah, what's wrong with this?

                                                                        Maybe I'm drama queen now, and I give you that, hell, I agree. But it doesnt mean I'm wrong.


                                                                          @vertoxity glad to know that
                                                                          Never said that you're wrong, nor do I know whether you're right
                                                                          I didn't watch the replay and not good enough to rate skills of others
                                                                          Hope others will watch the replay and give you more inputs

                                                                          Good luck for you and try to have fun (at least that's what I play dota for)

                                                                          Guy Riki

                                                                            Slark can't be wrong. He is 5.5k. The sf and lion cost you guys the game.


                                                                              Maybe if he's legit 5.5k he can't be wrong. I calibrated 4.5k and got almost to 4.7k on my smurf, before I sold it.

                                                                              Does that make me a 4.7k player? Hell, no. I'm not there yet, and not ready to play at that level yet.

                                                                              Being 5.5k is actually harder than most people think. A lot of 4ks thinks that they belong to 5k, just as a lot of 3ks think that they belong to 4k.

                                                                              Hell, I used to be 3k, and even tho I never thought I belong to 4k, I wasn't aware that difference exists.

                                                                              I finally got out of sub 4k mmr, and I feel good and I'm happy I got 4225 atm, but I would never claim to be anything higher than low 4k , because I'm aware I don't deserve any higher, just as I was always aware where I belong, despite people trying to argue with me.

                                                                              Hell, I'd much rather say I'm not ready for 4k yet, than say that I'm actually on road to 5k. Being comfortable with you and your skill is worst thing if you want to improve.. one smart guy said that.

                                                                              And also, regardless of me being happy about my little mortal archivment, I'm aware I'm not even remotely good at this game yet compared to 5k+ players.


                                                                                ye that was some sick slark throws


                                                                                  : D

                                                                                  well, i still remember his last comment about that game, just before ancicent died:

                                                                                  "You guys are so bad at this game. Stop playing it, you suck"

                                                                                  Before that:

                                                                                  "You fucking idiots. Why don't you push"

                                                                                  ascended being - mr 5.5k Slark 2016

                                                                                  lm ao

                                                                                    Fukking motherfukkets why is every1 here so fukking courteous???


                                                                                    lm ao

                                                                                      Guys why is fu ck a banned term now ffs



                                                                                        lm ao


                                                                                          ASSESS Product



                                                                                              Just my 2 cents:
                                                                                              1.Whenever I play with someone who is 1k mmr more than me, he is always the dumbest and most feeding hero on the map, because he is used to different teammates (faster, who keep up the pace, who are more agresive). It is hard to adapt to different styles, and there are different styles at 5k, 4k, 3k...
                                                                                              2.In any case, it is a very bad decision to buy a rapier vs a Void, lategame. You can never ever predict with 10% certainty the outcome of a fight versus Void (chrono).



                                                                                                  LUL I checked ur replay u all played kinda bad xd but slark did some crazy throws after bot rax push :D


                                                                                                    Pudge and lion fixed the game

                                                                                                    Swap Commends

                                                                                                      Don't do it


                                                                                                        Affect, yeah, that's my point. Not saying any of us played good, but him blaming us and not himself at all is just crazy

                                                                                                        For 5.5k it was just poor slark, that's my point
