General Discussion

General DiscussionYou guys think any hero will get a rework in the near future?

You guys think any hero will get a rework in the near future? in General Discussion

    111 heroes (still no Pit Lord/Abyssal Underlord) and they are all supposed to remain distinctive enough to justify picking any of them over just picking some hero who can do something similar enough and then compensate with items for what the picked one can't do.

    But hey, with the introduction of more buffs, certain nerfs (mainly those that change interactions between damage or disables) and new items, it feels that some heroes don't remain unique enough or they are bound to remain too weak and shitty as more, newer stuff is introduced, no matter the meta.

    For example, I feel like Viper is destined to only get weaker and weaker as more items get into the game. Mainly because of how limited his skillset is, there's too little you can do as Viper.

    Weaver as well. Echo Sabre gives his passive to melee heroes and reworked Void got an ability which basically combines a blink with Weaver's ulti, only on a much shorter cooldown, time it counts and range. His only real selling points over it is basically being a ranged hero and the invisibility with max speed, which Void himself can counter anyway.

    These are just the thoughts of a guy who doesn't even know what his MMR is anymore though. But still, what do you guys think on that matter?


      vip and weav still ok, they are still picked in a few tournaments i watch. honestly i want to see brew and razor buffed or reworked.

      >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

        Viper and Jakiro, and Troll Arcana.

        Livin' Real Good

          I wanna see Elder Titan reworked, useless hero, despite being strong in higher MMR's, he's just not any fun for the average Dota player, and not aesthetically appealing either.

          Someone said Brewmaster reworked, that sounds interesting, but I think he's fine, especially when he has AGS, that item makes him sooo fun to play. Just blink, Thunder Clap, Drunken Haze, Split, Thunder Clap again, and fuck shit up with right clicks and other 3 spirit abilities.

          Your Wife's Boyfriend

            I think bloodseeker, riki, pl and treant have a high chance of getting reworked again it always happens if they are too useless or too op after the latest rework. Idk for Viper, I don't think they are going to rework him, he is still good vs the right heroes but thats 1/20 of the games.


              Slardar looks garbage and needs a model rework


                Idk how you're gonna rework Elder Titan thought, make him a ranged hero? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) or just make his ult 1sec faster


                  Brew should be a fat black and white panda, but I guess they don't do that out of fear from Disney's legal team.


                    Omni SHOULD get reworked. Too strong in pubs too boring to play doesnt get noticed competitively

                    Final Boss

                      Omni is fine, doesnt need a rework, he's not too OP and his skills are purgable, he is almost completely countered by diffusal blade which is a 3k gold item