General Discussion

General DiscussionShivas Guard inactive when hero is hidden

Shivas Guard inactive when hero is hidden in General Discussion

    I just mentioned, that Shivas guard Aura is inactive when the hero is hidden. Such as eaten by naix or phoenix in supernova. Since Shivas Guard is a top item to pick up on phoenix, i was quite surprised. Does anybody know if this is intentional or a bug?

    if you wanna try it out: just go on the testmap with phoenix and buy Shivas. use supernova and check debuffs of enemies.


      Aura is active but the icon is hidden. Check enemy attack speed in demo mode. The attack speed will be the same during supernova.


        Why do you get it?


          intentional, you'd be able to dodge ganks much easier against enemies who have AC or shivas if you're cognizant of your status bar. it was changed a few patches ago for that reason.


            fck i should know this early