General Discussion

General DiscussionBest non mid to win solo que games?

Best non mid to win solo que games? in General Discussion
Speak English, Pick Stuns

    I generally play off or support.

    I am pretty much abandoning the support role as the core players are very hit or miss. I have had great success with doom and tide offlaning. Is there any other high impact hero I'm missing?

    Do I just need to stArt playing mid every game to increase mmr?


      Spam anti mage sven spectre invoker

      stupid fuck 2000

        I spam ember but I go mid everytime and abuse the fact that most of these idiots dont know what the hero does and get first blood 8/10 times. If you wanna go safelane, just play sven, lifestealer, juggernaut and spectre, maybe even huskar.


          to gain mmr u need to play better, role doesnt rly matter


            slark woohoo