General Discussion

General DiscussionWANTED!

WANTED! in General Discussion

    Hello guys. I was recently playing in 3700 MMR solo ranked Queue. Enemy mid first picked alch so i took dragon knight. Unfortunately i couldnt deny his farm as i imagined and then he end up with 4 times more net worth than i do. Anyway this topic is not about that.

    Can u tell me what might MMR of guy who have such results in 3500-4000 MMR?

    he is 70/70 on alch and 10/10 on ember. Out of this world. My questions is directed to 5k and above players because i assume this guy is from that world.


      "Can u tell me what might MMR of guy who have such results in 3500-4000 MMR?"


      Grey Wind

        his stacking with high skill players. im doing it solo

        Grey Wind

          he has 69 matches in normal skill and just 12 in vhs.. remove ur stupid post, this fuckface isnt even worth talking about, probably a 4.5 trash


            He was not stacking he grinded 4k solo, i was playing versus him and he was solo always first picking. Additionally i watched his 4k as Ember when he was playing vs invoker. Invoker abandoned at 8 minute mark.

            I am not writing this post to shine man, I am really interested if someone can actually analyze his matches, builds, game length and estimate MMR. Ur vote for 4.5k much appreciatted though :)

            PS. He finished grind at exactly 4k MMR. I really doubt 4.5k can slice through 3k bracket without a single loss on his main heroes.


              ^ if he's taking those games seriously and doesn't underestimate his opponents and doesn't do stupid shit, it's doable.


                why dont u add him and ask him


                  failfish, he is 3999 solo, lmao.


                    win rate doesnt increase your hidden mmr, its other stuffs that do it.


                      most of his games are in normal skills because he plays like one.

                      and also probably chosen "i have never played rts/dota 2 before" when he first launched dota 2 on this smurf.


                        unranked vhs = 2k actual skill


                          That is pretty crazy, I bumped into this guy and he is also ridiculous.
                          What is his mmr? He plays different shit every game. He straight dumpsters VHS and gets crazy high hero damage. He raped some 4k guy so badly someone asked him how his arsehole was.


                            Yup, considering this alche gpm, that's not a common sight in 4k bracket. I got my bet on 5000-5500 mmr.
                            The tiny spammer is much lower imo...
                            (I'm referring to their mains)


                              i know a guy that we met once he just rekt everyone on his team, every team he on always flaming him. every team he on always report him. this guy serious deal man. can you know who is he?

                              what mmr is he you think?



                                Ya link ain't working m8


                                  Cose his typing-connected-brain ain't working either...