General Discussion

General DiscussionInernational Ranked Games?

Inernational Ranked Games? in General Discussion

    Hello Dotabuff community,
    As you all know the international Ranked game mode seemed like an amazing idea, unfortunately it seems to be filled with very toxic and cancerous players. Has anyone else had this issue? In addition how do you guys deal with cancerous teammates? Muting them is certainly an option but when they start to intentionally give their lives to the enemy what can be done? A simple report dosent feel like enough to validate for their absurd behavior since it requires reports from multiple parties.
    Thank you and good luck in your games everyone


      Watch them feed and give the game away with, hatred inside.
      Feel depressed&angry see every match as a lost one untill you see a small amount of shine from your team.
      Or spam chat swear at them only 2 options and the outcome is almost same except getting LP


        "when they start to intentionally give their lives to the enemy what can be done?"

        Nothing. 4v6 is very difficult.

        Eternal Meow

          Does international ranked mode separate recalibrating players from normal ranked? I thought it queued into regular ranked player pool.

          They are probably angry because they think their original mmr is wrong and this is their chance to get the mmr they deserve except all their team mates keep ruining their games.

          There isn't that much you can do besides mute and report them and wait a while before you start finding a match again after that one ends. I hate it when the game puts you right back in a new game with someone you just reported. At least put them on the other team.


            No you calibrate with the people already calibrated and non calibrated alike