General Discussion

General DiscussionRadience Spectre Build ?

Radience Spectre Build ? in General Discussion
Charteuse Gale

    So how you guys play Spectre if you choose radience route ?

    i was trying phase-magicstick-urn-drum-pms

    it was good but the nerf of drum kinda kill this build

    i was trying making new build by pt-oov-magicstick-urn but i think it was kinda lacking and not that good

    trying to save money and go phase-urn-magic stick but oh well, again to squishy and i think i need some hp

    so ? maybe replace drum with vanguard-aquila(replace urn) or vanguard-urn ?

    thoughts of it guys ?


      Firstly the item is called Radiance.
      Now to your actual question: If you really want to go for that "early" Radiance then i'd probably get Phase PMS Aquila Vanguard before, however I think the Diffusal Manta build is the way to go, you can maybe still get a Radiance after that or whatever fits the flow of the game.

      stupid fuck 2000

        Go for phase pms aquila vanguard radiance if your team can actually create space for you and the don't suffer too much from it. Otherwise go for the same build but get diffusal/manta instead.


          Phase Wand Urn Drums, not too expensive items but can contribute to team fights. Since if you want to rush radiance you have to be able to help on team fights to get kills/extra gold.


            buy tranquil boot
            then straight radiance
            if u cant get scared relic under 15 min then don't go for it
            insteat go for vangaurd, phase boots and diffual blade and manta then something situtional
            radiance rush should be done if you last hit very good and it's freefarm in your lane


              47% win rate normal skill player telling vhs player to get tranquil boots on spectre

              Charteuse Gale

                Yeah, i always watch many 6k-8k live replay, many go badman build, the usual phase-drum-magicstick-pms-manta-diffusal

                or go phase-drum-pms-magicstick-urn and go straight radiance + manta

                the most interesting one was Miracle often spam spectre and never ever make urn-drum again in 87, he makes vanguard-phase-aquila-magic stick and go radience

                King of Low Prio

                  I get phase orb of venom vanguard Aquila radiance then manta if I go that route (I replace orb with yasha when I get it)

                  King of Low Prio

                    I get magic stick over orb depending on my lane


                      im awful but ive lost faith in the urn drums build, usually i just get vanguard now

                      Charteuse Gale

                        and for zay, how the fuck you got normal skill on all your games

                        what's the trick

                        my friend was newbie and learning dota, he go to very high skill bracket after he play 3 games(2 are win)


                          I would go for phase - vanguards - aquila - urn (or magic stick)

                          King of Low Prio

                            You don't need urn and Aquila and urn is overshadowed by vanguard. Buying too many small items on a hard carry is very inefficient.


                              I see that build on dotafire works well for me
                              u sell tranquil for boots of travel later.
                              I said its for a 15 min scared relic not when u died 3 times in lane and your last hitting sucks cock
                              Tranquil gives all u need for a motherfukkin fast radiance in laning phase otherwise its garbage

                              Buying aquila, phase, drum and urn is waste of money. Its for noobs that cant handle early game/last hitting problem


                                1) ppl who dont last hit well should not play dota
                                2) tranquils is just miserable on a carry since you will be hitting creeps all the time
                                3) buying aquila phase drums and urn is not for noobs that cant handle last hitting unless you think 8k players are noobs
                                4) with free farm, spectre wins the game easily and can get vangaurd aquila phase radiance by min 20.


                                  that's my opinion and answer to OP's quistion, I don't force anyone to do what i think is the best
                                  you don't have to agree with it and it's OK cuz it's just what I think, nothing more...
                                  just like me, you can share your opinion about the topic too and i will respact it.

                                  Corona FRIES

                                    "You better respek my tranquil boots spect build that wrek all 1ks" -said the 1k spect

                                    King of Low Prio

                                      Zay is literally the dumbest kid I have seen post on these forums, grats


                                        I go urn, phase, poor man's shield, ultimate orb (not necessarily in this order) -> radiance
                                        i think this bulid is good beacause:

                                        1. I used to bulid vanguard on spectre but i think its waste of money because i usually ended up selling it later
                                        2. All shield, phase and ultimate orb give you a bit of DPS, orb and shield upgrade your ilusions damage
                                        3. Buying ultimate orb before radiance gives you survivability in early game and after radiance bulids into matna style which imo speeds up your farm by a lot

                                        Usually i play spectre like this:

                                        ... -> radiance -> manta -> skadi(ez game)/Hot(hard game) -> butterfly -> skadi/HoT

                                        70% winrate i think its a fine bulid but i dont think I am a pro player in any way so I am oppened towards your suggestions

                                        Let me know what do you think about it :)


                                          Tranq spec is legit to replace urn for the regen. Just go like 2 boots


                                            mine : phase, urn, vg, rad, taras/manta


                                              Safe play. Creep agro.

                                              Corona FRIES

                                                Those who kept saying tranquil boots shld just stop commenting really. If you want Hp regen and cheap one just get a damn ring of health and upgrade it to vanguard later on, drum is actually still fine too coz it gives hp regen now. thing on agi carry


                                                  mine : early = phase aquila queling blade Orb fucking OPvenom shield/poorman shield + ring of health.
                                                  mid = got 2-3 ks go rush radiance if not go diffu and vanguard


                                                    How do you benefit from tranquil' regen if you are hitting creeps?

                                                    If you are desperate for regen just abuse the side shop


                                                      I know this is out of context but think before u comment also @packeyou.. tranquil boots is good on agi carry.. hehe not really but almighty RIKI benefits from it so yah bitchhhh xD just kappa


                                                        How the fuck ure so ignorant
                                                        Can u get scared relic under 15 min with fucking urn, vangaurd, aquila, phase???!! Fuck no
                                                        Tranquil only for a fast radiance otherwise its totally trash

                                                        U sell that shit and buy boots of travel later
                                                        Stop bullshitting pls


                                                          Drum urn is rather squishy and should be carefully jump when Haunt. Literally can't tank early-mid game hitter like naix or sven since those 2 carry is continously picked this meta.
                                                          I do like the build of Newbee.Hao phase, pms, aquila, vit booster, and go radi. Or Miracle's, phase, aquila, vanguard, radi.


                                                            Hao build is sick
                                                            Got a double rampage against OG


                                                              ^even if that build works until u get radiance... then what? u cant even kill much creeps as your enemies will easy gank you and you are a fucking deadman but with vanguard phase aquila and a stick, you are strong enough to deal with any lineup. One slot radiance wont help you much.
                                                              Have you even tried the build that you compliment?? Cyka


                                                                it's a bot match but speaks for itself, сука


                                                                  @The antydote, are you seriously trying to support your build with a bot match... were the bots on easy or some shit considering the sven only had 39 LH at 38 mins?

                                                                  Even autoattacking as techies im sure you will get atleast 50 LH by 20mins...


                                                                    ahaha no it was on hard mode as u see they have denies (they don't diny on ez and normal and passive)


                                                                      try it on 1k mmr and then we'll approve this broken build.. this could be game breaking and expecting badman tok spam spec again

                                                                      Corona FRIES

                                                                        i cant tell if this guy is being serious or trolling about trying to prove his tranquill boots build lol. Is this how all 1k players mindset is? Best concept and mechanics ever.


                                                                          you sure showed dem bots!