General Discussion

General DiscussionImmortal Treasure II 2016

Immortal Treasure II 2016 in General Discussion

    Speculate when the treasure II would be released?

    I assume II and III would hang around for a month each with an additional treasure like the autograph one they did before but timing doesn't seem to fit.

    Any ideas?

    no engrish

      3.5 - 4 weeks per tressure it seems

      Chewie ಠ_ಠ

        I think in the week after the Manila Major is done, they will release something, whether it will be the II Immortal Treasure, or even the Compendium, that's my prediction.


          they'd probably release the compendium after the quali. anyways, any leaks on II and III?


            Immortal treasure II should be released in 3 days (Monday). For everyone with high compendium levels and hat collectors get excited!

            This is the treasure which traditionally creates the largest spike in the prize pool after the initial release of the compendium so expect something really enticing to throw money at.

            How much have you got set aside?

            I don't have much left after raising the compendium but I think $400 should be enough.

            ASSESS Product

              rip money

              ASSESS Product

                I just spot someone already have 10k lvl comp WutFace

                muted all, it's just a ga...

                  Wtf 10k


                    I have 20$ to spend on levels so


                      is there any leaks tho i'd love to see how they look like

                      Baron de Cobre

                        Any news/leaks about Immortal II? I dont rly care about leaks tbh,i just wanna know when it comes out approximately....


                          In Volvo Time obviously.

                          Swap Commends

                            hat buyers ...


                              Check the shadows, BH,BANE,QOP,MORPH,OGRE,LICH

                              But since they only show 3 heroes per shadow, i dont know the other 3 heroes per treasure. So we should wait more.


                                are they ever going to add this fucking treasure? we've been on treasure 1 for 5 weeks


                                  I don't see Ogre in those shadows I see Morph Lich Bane for Immortal Treasure 2 and I can only make out bounty hunter for Immortal Treasure 3. I think it's QOP and Shadow Demon what you guys think?


                                  Baron de Cobre

                                    Well i don't care what the immortals will be. I just wanna know when immortal treasure II will be released.

                                    ✪ BATSSS

                                      Lycan, Bane and Lich for Treasure 2
                                      Thats all i know

                                      lm ao

                                        CAN WE HAVE IMMORTAL PUCK WINGS VOLVO TY

                                        Speak English, Pick Stuns

                                          gaben plz

                                          doc joferlyn simp

                                            on a side note pls if you know you won't/can't be able to buy an arcana pls vote io arcana one of the most gamebreaking heroes at all stages of the game needs something to commemorate his awesomeness pls support the movement for a floating ball of semen to finally get a condom worthy enough to contain him


                                              "on a side note pls if you know you won't/can't be able to buy an arcana pls vote io arcana one of the most gamebreaking heroes at all stages of the game needs something to commemorate his awesomeness pls support the movement for a floating ball of semen to finally get a condom worthy enough to contain him"

                                              Wise words, I just carved them into my comp's box. GJ


                                                the fat flabby chin is the ogre bro

                                                stupid fuck 2000

                                                  Gaben pls giff hats faster


                                                    This is taking forever!! All my votes are going into the worst meta heros hoping it would force people to branch out in exchange for style.


                                                      Ogre, lone i the only 1 that think 2nd immortal chest at the left side is treant protector??? Hmmm


                                                        where are the hats


                                                          lvl 10k LUL


                                                            I just want a life stealer item that isn't shit


                                                              23.06 the day sales start or tomorrow

                                                              the Goat

                                                                gabe is dead FeelsBadMan

                                                                stupid fuck 2000

                                                                  Tommorow they're giving out the prediction points so they might also release new hats.


                                                                    Odd decision from Valve to release it so late. They now have 7 weeks to launch immortal treasure II and III, whilst trying to fit another cache treasure for more money as immortal treasure doesn't necessarily generate new profits.

                                                                    I wonder if they held off because people complained about how hard immortal II and III were to get due to not receiving them until a much higher level?

                                                                    If that's the case and nothing is done about it one would expect all items in II and III to be very expensive compared to the usual ti rewards.

                                                                    Speak English, Pick Stuns

                                                                      So Immortal 2, Immortal 3 and then the 2 late treasures.


                                                                        Can anyone tell how it looked like in ti5 compendium? At which lvls u got treasure II and III? And how easy it was to get to them without spending money?

                                                                        Baron de Cobre

                                                                          Bump! Any news? Im really tired waiting...


                                                                            NEW UPDATE TODAY
                                                                            NO CHEST.
                                                                            THIS BLOWS

                                                                            Speak English, Pick Stuns

                                                                              Fuck valve get it together


                                                                                They are making a lot of the community upset




                                                                                    But i have a feeling its coming out today!


                                                                                      as I said, probably the day sales start


                                                                                        lel still waiting.

                                                                                        Baron de Cobre

                                                                                          @ Steve97 what is day sales start. You mean on Thursday?


                                                                                            Got excited when I saw the patch. False alarm. Lucky I won a small sum on VPGame which made my day

                                                                                            Baron de Cobre

                                                                                              Well,me2 but nothing. I searched a little bit more on reddit,and many people say that immortal 2 is maybe coming on Sales day at Thursday. Will see.. we've waited long enough. 1 day is nothing


                                                                                                FUCK VALVE... Still waiting for Immortal treasure 2. How fucking long to wait for it release guys ?


                                                                                                  GG VOLVO. IT'S ALMOST JULY ALREADY.


                                                                                                    "Got excited when I saw the patch. False alarm. Lucky I won a small sum on VPGame which made my day
                                                                                                    How did you win battle points ? or are you talking baout normal bets ?


                                                                                                      Also any idea where this treasure is ?


                                                                                                        At this rate Immortal 3 gonna be released after TI6 :L