General Discussion

General DiscussionNeed nerf on jungle

Need nerf on jungle in General Discussion
Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    Dota 2 neutrals starting time spawn on jungle should be 2mins instead of 30sec. That way, jungler like LC or Naix should stop staying in the jungle ffs.

    If you think "that would be imba for them", a LC with talon can buy dag in 9-11mins. A 11-13mins delay is not that bad for them. Besides they can micro creeps in the first 2mins before going to jungle.

    D the Superior

        if you let the enemy LC buy blink before you do shit, you deserve to lose it.

        Hatsune Miku

          Scrubs crying

          But I'm not VHS now

          D the Superior
            Hatsune Miku

              I went 4.1k then went on a swing with 3.8 - 4k


                are u stilll vacd? what did they say to u

                D the Superior
                  Dick Trouser, MD

                    It was nerfed. What do you want?

                    Hatsune Miku


                      most communities have said i cheated i deserved it, i am already trying to move on from that and starting from this account.


                        lol lc can get dagger at 7'30. Anything that beyond 8min is unacceptable..

                        Pale Mannie

                          Pick a roamer and roam jungle all the time

                          Pale Mannie

                            And block camps

                            D the Superior
                              Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                                I'm sorry for being a normal skill. I'm sorry for posting this.

                                Yeah, jungle doesnt need to nerf. Instead, i'll just pick Naix instead.

                                2 easy wins recently as Naix. 60+ last hit in 10mins.

                                An btw @magnus, my party mmr is 3650+. I'm at normal skill usually coz I'm always playing with my friends and the usual avg mmr is around 2.8-3.1k :-)

                                Pale Mannie

                                  why are you so not dank today?


                                    Okay so you want to completely kill chen? Enigma? Natures prophet? Doom? Enchantress?

                                    If you are letting them jungle freely then you deserve to go up against a 8min blink LC

                                    Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                                      Exactly. 90% of my games we are letting these jungler to free farm because in a random matchmaking, they don't care if someone is jungling because they're too busy in their lane.

                                      And my recently two games as Naix, its very obvious that I'm in jungle during early game but none of them bother. Not a single gank. They just let me farm.

                                      About chen, enigma, or NP, Like I said, they can only start jungling at two minutes. I never said to erase the neutral creeps. Just the first respawn time should be 2mins instead of 30sec. Maybe enchantress cast enchant to slow or help his team? Or enigma malefice to harass? At 2 minutes, its their choice to jungle, or lane.

                                      Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                                        I mean the first respawn time is 2mins. "First". The next respawn time is still 30sec. For short, no neutrals during the first two minutes.

                                        stupid fuck 2000

                                          Just pick riki and steal their xp and last hits in the jungle.


                                            it's ez to counter jungling just put ffkign sentry in high xp camps,no more camps spawn

                                            Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                                              Easier said than done. But thank you for the tips :-)


                                                If they pick a jungle hero you can shut them down with roaming bounty, riki, mirana, earthspirit. Any hero that is a half decent roamer shits a team that goes greedy by having a jungler

                                                We Love You Akuzuma Oppa!

                                                  There's a reason why you're mmr is low. 4Head


                                                    This is the most retarded thread i have ever seen


                                                      Y tho.

                                                      Swap Commends

                                                        A lot of afk farmers would be mad at u


                                                          Pick NP. Buy 5 wards and possibly a Quelling Blade. TP in and block the camps in the most awkward to deward places.

                                                          Not worth. But will be a great laugh


                                                            Get 2 obs, sentry, tp and smoke - go block 4 camps. Be a ward bit*h.


                                                              That blocks 5. Unless you expect him to buy 1 sentry


                                                                can u block with sentry?

                                                                Your Wife's Boyfriend

                                                                  "2 easy wins recently as Naix. 60+ last hit in 10mins."

                                                                  huh? gratz i guess, but if u know how to jungle and the enemy team is not doing anything u are supposed to have more and still safelane and even midlane is way more profitable in a normal game.

                                                                  also no, playing jungle is an autoloss 90% of the games (2.8k doesnt count, I can probably have 90% there with cm mid) why would u even nerf it

                                                                  but to be honest i actually like the idea cuz that will prevent retards from going jungle instead of supporting, good ideas sometimes come from a very wrong way of thinking.

                                                                  Vem Comigo

                                                                    Lol lc can be countered so easily, block camps, play riki or buy sentry, just get good you fucking piece of chese, stop complaining.


                                                                      ^asdf then you couldnt pull though


                                                                        I love to play naga jungle if i have cm in my team or very strong lanes or a greedy jungler on enemy team, nobody see that bizarre shit coming, even if they try to counter you can still play as a 4 position support or farm the enemy jungle or push a fucking tower / cut waves with the block damage change creeps dont do damage to your illusions