General Discussion

General Discussionsince lifestealer is so huge this patch

since lifestealer is so huge this patch in General Discussion


    How to know if offlane or safelane is better?


    What order to max? I always felt that Rage, Open Wounds, then Feast, but I'm just normal skill so I don't know much.


    Should you go midas?

    Is echo sabre good on him? Along with armlet you have awesome midgame but it seems that you could fall off late if you build sabre instead of raw damage.

    Desolator or Daedalus? Or both?

    Is s&y falling out of the trend for ls?

    Hatsune Miku

      ~ depends on the situation, but I put one point each at lvl 3 , then max out wounds>rage>feast, sometimes I put 2 pts on feast asap so I can sustain in jungle if ts a hard lane.

      ~midas is fine.

      ~ sny or echo depnds on preference but I haven't tried echo.

      ~i like AC rather than deso/crit


        echo is amazing with armlet, s&y is ok, blink is good too.


          I like to skill one point in open wounds then max rage then open wounds. Sometimes it can be justified leaving only one point in open wounds when you build a blink or something like that. Pretty EZ hero.

          Dick Trouser, MD

            Wrath of the text wall.

            It depends to everything you said. Try shit out, try to figure out what items/lanes led to you winning. Hero roles and what you should be doing during various stages of the game and what items are the MOST optimal for each timing is more complicated than that, but really it all comes from experience.

            For items, start by looking at how much of an IMMEDIATE impact you can have with the item, better items generally give better immediate impact on lifestealer, at least. I notice a lot of less experienced players think WAAYYYY too far in the future when thinking about items. Every item improves your hero. Brown boots just got bought? Leverage your movespeed advantage in your lane against the slower enemy heroes. Got armlet? Try to pressure without dying. See what "power spike" each item gives your hero and use it to your teams advantage. If you die, its a learning moment :D What luxury items you should buy will become clear by thinking about the progression of the game (things like AC, super basher, crit item, shit even blink sometimes is sick or orchids. Lifestealer is pretty unkillable in a lot of situations (rage + tp is pretty good if you're in a tough spot, Id imagine moreso in 2k than other brackets.)

            But go armlet every game. And phaseboots. And grab the -armor orb quickly. For now at least. Once you get comfortable with them, you can try treads and shit if you get that feeling that they might be better in that game. Until then, getting those items at a good timing makes you reeeeeeeeeally strong.

            I can agree you probably don't max feast first and max rage, but I'm definitely not an LS expert and don't entirely understand better players' rationale for some of the builds I've seen them go. Just... I dunno. Think about what you want/can be doing that impacts the game in the next few minutes. Skill that.
            So yeah what terrorblyat said.

            Corona FRIES

              I usually go with 2-3-1-3 then max out 1st and 3rd.

              Item i prefer phaseboots armlet and sny + windlace 522mspeed (over echo), get an early blight stone. I value 522 mspeed more than echosaber for naix, you can chase/escape and extra survivability from sange

              4th item i usually go with AC, deso/abyssal/blink depending on the need

              I dont really like building midas on naix, you can overpowered and dominate since laning stage, i tried midas once and it slowed down my tempo to have impact earlier

              Bear of the Polar Variety

                By level 6 I have 1-2-2-1 then at level 11 3-2-4-2 then i prioritise rage over feast, get the rest of feast, get ulti then stats.

                I go phase boots ->armlet then if they a lot of lockdown I grab a linken's, if they don't get desolator then into AC. I don't get midas because it slows down the game and if you play aggressively you should get enough gold to skip midas. I used to build S&Y but not anymore as linken's can be better in most cases.

                It may seem weird to get linken's but in most cases when rage runs out they'll just save their stuns for when it ends. This is why linkens is important as well as it gives a lot of stats and decent damage. That's just my opinion


                  Phase armlet radiance s&y Blink 2x moonshard



                    safe lane. copy my build. ez mmr


                      2-1-2 seems good, lvl 1 open wounds has no range at all so you should get at least 2 points on it, I tried maxing feast first and you actually deal a ton of damage but then your skills are shitty, theres no perfect skillbuild for him, it depends on what you need (feast for sustain, open wounds for killing potential and rage for defensive purposes).

                      I havent tried echo sabre but I dont think its worth it, I've seen people skip armlet and that seems unacceptable to me. S&Y is very strong if you combine it with phase boots you can chase very well. Then you should get deso or maelstorm depending on what you plan to do, gank heavy to push afterwards then get desolator, if you're given a lot of space to farm maelstorm can be great and later on you get mjollnir and you're an atk speed monster.

                      All the pros are getting daedalus as damage item, I havent really tried it cause most of the times I need mkb or AC, but I guess daedalus is great on him since rage gives you a lot of atk speed already.


                        Sny is shit now

                        Echo is overpowered

                        Daedalus crits feast damage

                        Mr. Furryhentai

                          deso/daudalus is horrible on that hero
                          just go echo phase armlet echo sabre and then tank item


                            zenoth how do you play against sven and blade mails


                              Deso daedalus are fucking strong on him wtf why do you want to tank up

                              I ban sven, usually they cast blademails too late if im infested in sth


                                I still prefer Treads over Phase boots on him, the attack speed and sustain is much better. Also, tread switching to waste less mana and recover more hp.
                                If I'm offlane I'll get a Vanguard before anything, ideally at ~7 minutes max, then you can just do whatever the fuck you want in lane and they can't kill you.
                                Also, Echo Sabre is OP as fuck, just get that shit after armlet and you're good to go.

                                Little edit: I'll try out Zenoth's build, shit seems legit

                                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                  S&Y still isn't shit, just not good together with Echo Sabre and you REALLY want to get Echo Sabre so then there is no room for S&Y. Also Deso is very nice indeed, but I wouldn't get both Deso and Daedalus when you could just get AC instead, I'm sure it would give more DPS anyway. Against Sven, you really just gotta bait out Warcry. Yes, his insane damage is also annoying, but giving his entire team 20 armor is just impossible for you to deal with. Also against Blademails, just use Open Wounds and hit anyways. You won't take much damage at all.


                                    it's not the damage but anytime he uses warcry i deal 0 damage even if i'm hitting some squishy support
                                    and it has 6 second downtime on level 4 so fitting a fight into that window is quite difficult :<

                                    Al Bundy

                                      Depends on the game really.
                                      Sometimes its phase armlet echo or its simply phase echo deso(if you cant handle armlet toggling) or you go ye old radiance into ancient build still works well in normal and high skill.


                                        ye sny isn't worse than last patch, just that comparatively it doesn't offer enough. by itself it's more or less the same item.

                                        also once you build enough damage to cross a certain threshold, kiting doesn't matter because you kill them fast enough

                                        anyway daedalus gives more DPS than AC - on average it's a 35% damage buff, if you assume the damage component is equivalent to the attack speed component for AC, -5 armour will give you at most a ~30% damage increase in the most ideal scenario.

                                        crit also synergizes with echo and lets you front load your damage a lot more, overall yes AC is a better item since it lets you take buildings and has defensive uses as well, but i find crit to be a better way of keeping up the pressure early on

                                        Dire Wolf

                                          I agree with zenoth, I would only s&y if you REALLY feel you need the move speed. I've been throwing a wand in there sometimes too. My last game clinkz rushed deso so I went s&y, still worked fine.

                                          What I don't get is that second point in feast, what's the point? I usually go for 1/1/3/1 at 6, then max rage, then feast and last point in wounds. Wounds needs some range and cd help early and stealing 1% more hp doesn't make a huge difference that early imo.

                                          Only other thing I'll say is basher is still really nice if your team lacks lockdown against mobile heroes and with abyssal later you won't die.

                                          For offlane vs safe, off is fine if you take another person and apply pressure to a weaker carry like spectre or am. You won't necessarily get kills but you will dominate the lane and farm fine. Take like tide, lion, cm, whatever. I actually kind of like the offlane better cus lifestealer can get almost free farm there with right picks.


                                            Safelane or jungle
                                            Skill build 2 3 1 2 3 4 3 3 1 1 1 2 2 4
                                            As for items go armlet phase drums bm/sy get the two but decide which to get first depends on the game


                                                i hope that the control ability gets removed from the game


                                                  ^why its the coolest thing about him
                                                  I only pick ls to ride black dragon ahaha


                                                    at level 3 i will put each skills one point then max rage then Open wounds and whatsoever...
                                                    Items i prefer armlet Echo Deso AC dagger then later u can replace basher with echo or armlet. GL :v


                                                      Can confirm, Zenoth's build works wonders.

                                                      sin blyadi

                                                        Does lifesltealer even win with sabre? i thought sabre was 1 hero-item. Even if u do it (S&Y is really 1 million times better) u sell it after buying AC
                                                        S&Y is incredibly good on him, especially after buff
                                                        midas is ok but ls farms quickly already
                                                        desolator definetely. Buy both deso and daedalus if only u need extreme dps (against sven or sth)
                                                        U can max feast if u have enough stuns in the team and its easy to get closer to the enemy (levelpoint to feast increase dps and heal, meanwhile levelpoint to OW add only range)

                                                        Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                          Open Wounds also go from 24 to 12 seconds CD.


                                                            Yeah sabre is retardedly good on him. More dmg during open wounds plus helps a ton with chase. Also removes all mana problems.


                                                              Itembuild is a matter of preference I guess, but in 5k+ games there seems to be two ways that both work really efficiently.
                                                              Armlet + echo sabre
                                                              Armlet + deso into AC

                                                              If they build anything else the N'aix just get rolled over

                                                              Dire Wolf

                                                                "Open Wounds also go from 24 to 12 seconds CD."

                                                                Which is why I go for a 1/1/1 then get it to at least 3 pts. I don't get why anyone would put points in feast over wounds, and rage is very situational early. You usually just need rage long enough to dodge a stun or something early.


                                                                  ya i mean what can you do in earlygame with an extra 1sec immunity and 20attack speed for 1sec its not like someone has like a stun that has channeling stun
                                                                  getting wounds is better than rage

                                                                  Dire Wolf

                                                                    well the attack speed is over the whole duration so it's a significant upgrade, but not as good as leveling wounds. When you're around 10-12 4 points in rage and wounds are so good I'll sometimes delay a second point in my ult to max them. Maybe I'm weird.


                                                                      dont get midas


                                                                        Most people in this thread are saying to get damage items so why is no one saying maelstrom? Just curious.

                                                                        It gives him as much damage as echo right?

                                                                        Dire Wolf

                                                                          It's aoe dmg for farming or team fights. People are suggesting single target burst with armlet + echo + deso.


                                                                            Lifestealer is op