General Discussion

General DiscussionGetting good with blinker ah I I mean tinker

Getting good with blinker ah I I mean tinker in General Discussion

    Why bloodstone?
    Why aether lens?
    I like to rush Dagon after blink. Burst damage useful.

    stupid fuck 2000

      aether lens cause range is rly good on tinker and the additional damage % helps a lot especially when clearing waves with march

      bloodstone is good for snowballing but im pretty sure you almost never go with that item early on tinker


        more mana = more mobility. plus you could do so much with that mana. and I find scepter more useful in many situations than dagon now. bouncy lasers are just really good.


          werwerwerwerwer wow u won a teamfight


            Dagon EBlade is good for pick Offs, with Lens + Aghs you melt entire teams, while blinding them at the same time so they cant even attack back, now guess whats better?


              ^dagon and eblade. Lul :)


                Guess thats why your in Normal Skill lul ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


                  dagon eblade is the classic build, aether lens aghs is currently popular teamfight-oriented one. with bs you are tanky af.

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                    Bloodstone is for denying yourself so you don't give away your streak

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                      Also your thread title is cringy af

                      disgusting weebs

                        Getting good with stretching your anus ah I mean vaping.


                          Tinker has item space problem i wouldnt waste 1 space for aether lens unless im gonna sell it afterwards