General Discussion

General Discussionjust calibrated at 4.6k

just calibrated at 4.6k in General Discussion

    my strategy was to keep good GPM,XPM and KDA ,but i had problems keeping good KDA . what is calibration mmr based on because my first game was 5.2k avarage and i went 20/2/8 then second game was at 4.2k avarage even tho i owned in 5.2k

    Best Treant EU

      ur first game was in normal skill bracket? what u talkin

      Lord Mushroom

        @Mulatschak He means his first ranked game.

        @alt First ranked game shows your hidden mmr and after that no matter how you played, you drop under 5k.

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          my first game was 3.9k avg yours is 5.2 my second avg was 4.2 yours is 4.2 = still the same hehe
          so hidden mmr doesnt matter. fucking swing and i have read a guide saying that the swing is just very high if you still got low matches because of the low uncertainty.

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            btw if that alche got good k/d/a maybe you are calibrated at around 4.8-4.9k now.


              i have a quest.ion .. can i still get 4k even i'm not very high bracket?


                50+ game you can play rank? You kidding me?