General Discussion

General DiscussionOfflaners ( Heroes )

Offlaners ( Heroes ) in General Discussion

    80% of pro teams always run the same offlaners time and time again . Beastmaster , Batrider , Dark Seer , NP , Slardar . At least Void is a decent carry now . At least some teams like Na'Vi and Empire pulled out Mirana and Sand King offlane . I really miss earthshaker and Undying offlane though . My personal favourite offlaner is Sand King , cuz of that caustic finale during laning stage .
    What's your favourite offlane hero ?


      huh idk


        Lone Druid,

        free dual lane with all the experience


          last pick brood.


            Phoenix. OP


              As far as I am concerned is Lich great offliner.


                Phoenix, abaddon and brood. Professional brood players can end the game 15 min in 2k-3k . Any other hero cannot do that in any mmr

                SO LOYAL I DESERVE 2 GIRL...



                    Mirana can work offlane


                      Medusa. No kappa.


                        I'm really liking offlane Nyx against duo lanes. 2 mangoes stout tango clarity(optional) ward and you can pretty much get decent timed boots bottle urn. You're unharassable with 6 regen and impossible to kill. BM is second favourite because of how retardedly OP him and his boars are and you'll almost always completely destory the lane at 3k mmr because no one understands the power of dual boar.


                          Favourite is a universal word. It depends on the game/strategy.

                          Mao Xina

                            sand king with caustic finale on offlane is the most ridiculous thing ever. nobody choose this skill on offlane except in 1k and 2k.


                              THE TIDE HUNTER


                                @parte huskar certainly can but I get your point :-)


                                  i tried tide hunter with basilus,wand, three mangos and arcane, i decimated anti mage he has no damage and even if he burn my mana i have tangoes i seen this work effectively. i killed and twice :)

                                  Dire Wolf

                                    Tide, he fits practically any team, doesn't have super hard counters, big team fight and strong lane presence, can recover in jungle. I love when my teams pick tide.

                                    Pale Mannie

                                      Offlane is my favourite role and i love Batrider and Nyx there