General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat to do when your lane is very bad

What to do when your lane is very bad in General Discussion
silverback action

    what do you do when you are losing mid so hard because there is a roamer and he is zoning you out of lane but you still lose every other lane?


      get your shit together and win a teamfight to get comeback golds!


        Let them push tier 1 tower so they would leave the lane and let you free farm as a carry


          Buy all the wards, gem, courier every time when they off cd and walk down mid, if u see an enemy generously give them all the stuff, also spam click tomb of knowledge every 10 min, don't let your teammates get it, and destroy it in front of enemy tower for shits and giggles.


            every even minute go for rune if you can uncontested so long as you have it warded, every odd minute stack a camp, in between cs in lane. When lane is pushed go to jungle and take that camp you stacked or go to the rune. When lane is pushed then free farm, if the opposing mid lane stays while lane is pushed have a support tp in and shut him down. (this was just a tip from Baumi in one of his videos)


              You're pretty much fucked.

              I played a game as Ember vs Viper, couldn't even go near the creepwave and he denied 29 creeps in the first 10 minutes. I managed to eke out like 10 cs or something. Our offlane Lion/Tusk decided it would be better to feed the enemy safelane 8 kills by 10 minutes rather than come mid and help gank/kill the Viper.

              Easiest loss in a while. 18 minute barracks or something like that.

              King of Low Prio

                I usual just flame my support.


                  Best thing to do is minimize how much the enemy shuts you down, don't let them kill you, even if you have to walk to base or send yourself healing salve + clarity, stay alive, stay positive

                  ask your teammates to kindly help, if they refuse just play safe, organize smoke ganks, buy a ward and a smoke, play aggressively to punish the enemy for maybe getting too comfortable in their movements.

                  What i usually do if i feel like I cant farm, or move around the map cuz we lost early lead, ill buy smoke and a ward if i have to (incase we get in their jungle during smoke I can drop the ward and get valuable info of enemy movements)

                  Sometimes you find a carry alone and kill him, do that and your chances of winning increase ;)

                  even if you kill a support, now you killed the support, your threatening a tower, force a response, stops enemy from farming , ETC

                  That kind of shit.

                  Bosnian Blade

                    flame your suports for not getin wards , call for miss , if that dont work just feed with cour and rage quit


                      Call gg and throw if their carry is fat af


                        dont die
                        go jungle
                        go gank if you can


                            Say "gg is called report my team" If you're the mid player and lost lane and couldn't make a 1 succesful gank or teamfight you should say report me instead of team


                              YoloSwag: Add me..I wanna play with your attitude :D

                              doc joferlyn simp

                                Use whatever the level advantage gave you in midlane and capitalize on that then try to give the enemy hc a hard time, beating him up while you still can or just generally try to catch up via jungling if you've got the capabilities while living off your bottle. Organize the ganks yourself and buy the essentials from your own pocket like wards, smoke, or detection if necessary. Just don't rage and end up fouling up your team's mood even more. If your teammates aren't complete retards this should allow you to hold on just long enough for all of you to somewhat warm up to each other and finally focus on the game and gain a fighting chance.

                                Or even more easily just blame the support for uselessness or the carry for last hitting like an armless T-rex.

                                Leonard Wan Zhun Kai

                                  dont giv up son