General Discussion

General DiscussionET Core is a thing??

ET Core is a thing?? in General Discussion

    is it really? I mostly see him as an offlaner


      i thought hes position 4 support normally :/


        there's even a guide for it


          he's actually a good offlaner, once you get your euls you're a huge impact on the teamfight


            his ss is also like phoenix' lvl 4 sunray x10


              it makes much more sense to play him as a core - his signature skill, astral spirit, loses a lot of its effectiveness if he isn't tanky enough to get in there and deal some physical hits. likewise natural order requires a lot more coordination if you focus on using the spirit to reduce magic resistance/armor.

              i can see how you can play him as a 4 if you are wombocomboing his ulti with some easier cc but he's definitely designed to be a melee brawler core.

              says normal skill me after half a dozen games with him :)


                Playing him as a core requires good lineup, enigma, fv, seer come to mind, also maybe treant.. He is a beast with ac, mjollnir and crits.


                  ^ well you sure have 5 more games with him than me (I randomed him)

                  yeah it makes sense considering our line up had a very good wombocombo (we killed the fv with my euls and 3 skills + mirana's arrow)
                  I'd try to play him as a core next time

                  says a fellow normal skill guy


                    I only play him when I random him, but he is indeed one of my favourite heroes to play, not as much as to pick him as he requires teamwork and set up, but whenever I random him I have a huge grin on my face ;-)


                      he isnt a brawler lol

                      muted all, it's just a ga...

                        I played him 5 times and got 100% winrate. He is just so good that even if you dont know what you are doing ,still having impact. Rofl


                          let me find who it is................................................................................
                          elder titan


                            @mo2 if he isn't a brawler what is the point of having a skill that gives him extra melee autoattack damage?

                            Livin' Real Good

                              That ultimate he has is so hard to set up against good players i'd imagine, maybe might need Void chrono, he definitely has to be built around.
