General Discussion

General DiscussionT_T pls help T_T

T_T pls help T_T in General Discussion
Leonard Wan Zhun Kai

    hello beautiful people,

    So ya boy here, was actually 3 GAMES away from 4k (HURRAY) but suddenly everything went downhill =(.
    now i'm 3.8k and if i lose another game imma drop back to 3.7k and that's not good. So to all the players plz giff me tips really want to climb out of this 3k MMR hell. =(

    S.E.A servers are bad and i am ashamed to be in it

    with love,


    S/O to every dota 2 players


      I started 1300 MMR. Reached 4600 MMR once. Now, I have 4300 MMR. I suggest you spam you signature heroes and stop playing if you get bored.

      I also suggest that you try this method - forget the feed and lose part.

      Leonard Wan Zhun Kai

        ^ wowzie 1300 mmr to 4.6k that's a HUGE jump