General Discussion

General DiscussionTo moderators

To moderators in General Discussion

    I have noticed (I hope I am wrong) that recently a lot of Dotabuff users create topic just to pour out and criticize their team mates by describing them with very kind words and then getting away, usually ignoring the other users opinions. Basically what appears to me is this people are basically suing the forum as a waste basket as they please. Maybe it's time to do something about it.


      The topics are the same as the users. There are serious and useful topics that are ruined by braindead meme lovers, that just know how to trash everything and never post anything constructive. So, threads resembles the users...


        thats what ppl do on all the dota forums, i think. u cant rly ban someone for being a fuckboy.

        Swap Commends

          Mods : k

          Mr. Furryhentai

            these mods have no idea what their doing lets be honest

            D the Superior


                Hatsune Miku

                  Allah pepebar

                  Mr. Furryhentai

                    @nippy and kind
                    the mods banned me for nothing but they didnt ban the people who have anime profile pictures and who were spamming there abnoxious anime/hentai trash in multiple threads

                    D the Superior

                        they permabanned spunki, i think they're doing a great job :horse:

                        muted all, it's just a ga...

                          Really? I saw spunki posted somewhere, he has not banned yet?


                            I'm not talking about banning, guys. I'm talking about making these people understand this is not a trash can where thee people can just spit whatever they want and then going away like nothing happened. I personally don't like it and I think it's not respectfull for the Dotabuff community.

                            Â INV MENYA LP PARTY

                              i got permabanned on my main acc because i spammed a topic where anime tards kept posting extremely sexualized anime-children, child-hentai if you want to say so


                                you are allowed to post any crap as long as it doesnt directly violate the rules. you cant limit one's right of free speech just because you dont approve what he says.

                                one syllable anglo-saxon

                                  that's too bad, I'm pretty sure nobody would object if this hodor guy was banned


                                    Who said I wanted to limit people's speech? I just said I thought it would be good imho if people would avoid using this forum as a trash can. The fact that you have the right to speak doesn't authorize you to treat people (or forum, in this case) like poop. There's a difference.


                                      then why do u adress ur post to mods? are they the ones to shit on people, in your opinion?


                                        No, no, absolutely not. I called the title "to moderators" in order to increase the chances of them reading this topic and talking about this matter.


                                          they read forum and they do know it. what shall they do, in your opinion?

                                          Â INV MENYA LP PARTY

                                            tbh i think it would be ok to hide threads that are ONLY about mimimi my teammates suck all the time and mimimi im in hidden pool and mimimi gabeNconspiracy

                                            i think even my fish thread is more productive than these kinda threads

                                            Johnny Rico

                                              I think the forum, need to be divided, in like 3 parts
                                              1 MMR Posts
                                              2 Complaints
                                              3 Dota bugs, And other healthy topics


                                                Wow you use alot of words you dont understand my friend :D


                                                  I like this forum because it's lack of almost any functionality reminds me of the late 90s early 2000s boards. Good old Utopia Politics.


                                                    The point is those forums are lack of anime stuff

                                                    D the Superior

                                                        What should they do? For example, I personally think they might consider the ideas of "spunki" and "hook and roll".


                                                          One last thought before closing it here: I have just realized that if moderators could / would have done something, they would've already done it. Thanks for sharing yiur opinion, guys.