General Discussion

General DiscussionBest build on Medusa ?

Best build on Medusa ? in General Discussion

    I finally found the hero to spam and get out of this hell hole . Medusa isn't necessarily the most fun hero in the world , but it's pretty strong . And she is very versatile too , item wise . What's the best build on Medusa ?

    ur mom

      First item are Phase Boots and Ring of Aquila for some decent stats. Then regarding your enemy team, you should either go for Linken's Sphere or a damaging item (a Maelstrom or so) (consider Linkens a lot since it provides very good mana and hp regen). After these you should build a Manta and upgrade Maelstrom to Mjollnir if you have it. Then you just make a Skadi and a Butterfly lately (or an MKB depends).


        bloodstone MoM


          I wouldn't build manta it cost too much mana to activate which is like taking life away from u plus her illusions don't do much damage . Yasha is nice on her tho I would consider keeping it as a Yasha. I usually turn it into an s&y but take that with z grain of salt since I unsure if s&y is worth the upgrade on her .


            @NatalieDormer Yeah i usually go those 2 for starters . Linkens for me is usually a must on Dusa , unless the enemy team for some reason has absolutely no disables . I think I'd rather take dragon lance instead of yasha , cuz manta isn't really worth it , dragon lance has good stats early game and helps pushing and not dying easily . mjolnir does sound nice though , thanks for the tip .


              yasha into linken is one of the most solid starter.

              Mb a silveredge could be sweet on her, since that item is giving more dps than skady and linken together ^^ while being only ~1k more expensive than linken. Cause let's face it, having linken + bkb + skady on medusa, is like game loosing, you'd have waay too little dps.
              (and contrary to most heroes, you can use the active, for the sake of the passiv removal / damage reduction, which is sweet, especially since you can tempo every bkb with your ult)

              Usually, you can skip linken and go straight for skady, if you make a good management of your mana / snake (especially now we can go aquila + rain drop).

              Butterfly is a must have on medusa, even versus mkb, as it's your best damaging tool (after rapier ^^) and if you get it early enough, enemy might go for mkb instead of butter themselves, which is exactly what you want.

              DODGE MANTA AT ALL COST that item is super bad on medusa (yasha is great however, that's why you can consider going casual yasha before any item, since you have more or less to go straight for big item)

              MID OR ALL MID

                i go early ring of aquila then phase boot after that i will go yasha then go farm to get skadi after skadi i will finish yasha to manta then butterfly and maelstrom if the game still not finish u can sell ring of aquila to butterfly, im rarely to buy linken because if u can use gaze stone in right time no need linken u can rape 5 man in if u have 6 slot item full damage


         All the reason why you do not build Linkes and Manta on Madusa, trash items

                  Johnny Rico



                      Ok now Listen. Im Best Medusa Player on this whole Forum.
                      Always Phase. Never treads or bot on any other shit. Dusa biggest weakness is mobilit.
                      Aquilla always nice some good stats and stuff. If u get presured get drum & magic Wand. After this yasha is next must have cuz it gives you move speed and agility dmg is not reduced with splitshot. Yasha i mainly for the Farm. If enemy got silences or stuff u Upgrade yasha into manta.
                      Thats usually for First 12 min.
                      So First Core Item is either linken or skadi depends on enemy Team.
                      Next Core Item for me is usually butterfly cuz it gives great dps + movespeed active.
                      Next you buy either deadalus vs tanky heros like dagon knight lifestealer , mkb vs evasion or mealstrom\mjollnir vs Illusion carrys
                      My last items are always different such like bkb rapier bloodthorne satanic.
                      Enjoy your free wins

                      MID OR ALL MID

                        ^best medusa with 7 losting streak with medusa omg lol


                          ^Yes and 62% winrate sometimes shit happens niggah
                          I take this back just saw your Profile
                          GET OUT OF THIS THREAD IDIOT

                          MID OR ALL MID

                            at least my winrate on medusa is 100% no doubt


                              In the game you play my winrate would be 200 %

                              MID OR ALL MID

                                yeah that game in your dream lol rage boy i like that


                                  Rage? LUL
                                  Come at me niggah


                                    Manta is trash for medu? You must have forgotten the ultimate orb. So the mana that will be consumed upon using it will be supplemented from the inte gain plus manta is good for debuffs and dodging projectiles.


                                      ^ this


                                        Person one: how many jews does it take to screw in a lightbulb
                                        person two: none, there is no light bulbs in a well.


                                          People just underestimate illusions in general LUL unless it's a ck/pl/naga/am.


                                            Does Diffusal Blade work with split shot? If so, Diffusal with Manta would be pretty good.


                                              manta is trash on dusa because the active drains mana and the illusions are bad anyway (28% dmg 50s cd)


                                                but assuming split shot and diffusal works with illusions, with manta you would proc like 15 mana burn proc's per attack (as would be like 0.4s so pretty good)...

                                                With ulti, would be pretty devastatin.


                                                  ring of aquila - MAGIC WAND!!!! - treads - casual yasha - skadi - manta - butter/mkb

                                                  dragon lance doesnt work. early manta is bad cause it costs more mana then it gives.
                                                  always get magic wand. you are in the middle of every fight so u get 17 charges in no time.
                                                  17 x 15 = 255 hp heal
                                                  17 x 15 = 225 mana heal x 2,6 = 585 HP
                                                  so a 500 gold item can give u up to 810 HP regen in 1 buttonpress.

                                                  early blightstone might be good

                                                  tread over phase since u max snake on lvl 7. switch to int treads - snake - switch back to agi treads - snake returns => infinite snakes. works on most junglecreeps too. stacking beforehand can even regen mana like this

                                                  if u cant make it to skadi get a drum. sange and yasha might also be good.

                                                  mealstrom deals magic dmg so u cant dmg petrified people with it, might still be worth it.

                                                  for this style of dusa you are tanky frontliner. if u finish the skadi timely noone can remotly stop u so sit in front for your team and push those towers down. a more selfish and farming focussed playstyle with mealström might also be good.

                                                  if you are up vs a nyx assasine get a SOULBOOSTER, maybe even upgrade to bloodstone.


                                                    ^ trash
                                                    who the fuck cares about mana Coast on dusa? In fight u use snake at Start than ulti + manta B4 snake is back, After snake is back u gona have full mana again...
                                                    Powertreads is BULLSHIT cuz u Lack dmg and mobilty. And blightstone is a wasted Slot.

                                                    Dire Wolf

                                                      Phase, the other boots suck. The raw dmg for your split shot plus the move speed is needed. Aquila is core.

                                                      Then I actually like to go mask of madness. You farm insanely fast and in fights with your ult up you won't be getting hit. Then yasha then go ahead and finish s&y. The move speed is awesome the hp is good. Then I go skadi and then dmg daedulus or mkb if needed or butter.

                                                      I dislike maelstrom as it doesn't sync with split shot as much as straight dmg.

                                                      Linkens is fine but I usually go skadi instead and only get linkens if vs a doom or beast master or something.


                                                        So diffusal is now trash, my bad, some topics on reddit must be outdated -_-


                                                          To clear up a few misconceptions:
                                                          Split shot attacks do not benefit from any attack modifiers at all. This includes Manaburn from diffusal, Crits, Bashes, Minibashes and Skadi/Deso UAMs. Only the primary attack will benefit from any of those effects. That said however, if you have an MKB, the split shots will have truestrike.
                                                          Also split shot reduces both your main and bonus damage. So it doesn't matter if its raw damage from Rapier or damage from Agility, it will be reduced. The confusion is because the HUD is bugged. The HUD only shows the reduction based on the main damage, whereas the splitshot damage is calculated from main and bonus damage. (So it doesn't matter what sort of damage you buy, both will be reduced.)

                                                          Now that that's out of the way, how good its Daedalus on Medusa? It gives more flat damage than any other item other than Rapier and the crit is helpful when you're trying to focus down a single target. I think Butterfly gives more overall DPS than Daedalus due to the attack speed, but is there a situation where you should get Daedalus instead?

                                                          Also I don't like Manta. The illusions are okay for farming but are not very effective in fights, especially not for the mana cost.

                                                          Dire Wolf

                                                            Butter is more dmg with split shot but I like daedulus makes you hit that main target hard and buildup is easier.


                                                              Agi dmg is not reduced...




                                                                  Manta is extremely good on medusa because the illusions get split shot , which is like a 300% dmg increase to entire enmy team if u have medusa and her illusions all using split shot hitting enemies..
                                                                  dont listen to these retards telling u manta is weak


                                                                    get brown boots, tome of knowledge, orchid, sheepstick, then rapier and then finallybf (not butterfly, but battle fury). The enemy will think you're trash and get too relaxed and bam!! You have megacreeps


                                                                      never ever rush linkens.

                                                                      apart from when it is situationally good.


                                                                        @hartzfear why do you use mystic snake before your ulti - don't you need to wait for the enemy to be stonified so you can get the pure damage?


                                                                          To get ulti mana Coast back.
                                                                          Actually i never thought about the pure dmg But its a good point.
                                                                          I watched all zsmj games i could find online and He always used it to recover mana/ ehp


                                                                            Medusa is versatile on his items. Any build is legit depends on your team & enemy needs. She can have 5 different late game build and still does shit tons of damage.. That's how versatile it is.


                                                                              dusa is over rated anyone with mana drain or illusions with mana drain or just his atk speed diffusal would wreck her, lycan is the best low mmr stomper.

                                                                              Legend 4/5 forever

                                                                                Holy shit just listen to Slasher

                                                                                MID OR ALL MID

                                                                                  can u guys give ne link dotabuff slasher

                                                                                  Legend 4/5 forever

                                                                                    Enjoy your games at low priority cuz 9 reports are coming.


                                                                                      If u had any idea how to low mmr stomp u would not be fucking NS
