General Discussion

General DiscussionNeed Help on my Build

Need Help on my Build in General Discussion

    I played pa last match and it due to dying so much, I skipped bf and got sb and went dps build. I don't know why my team is asking about that build. I know there is ck in opp team and bf is good , but its late, and I don't want to waste my time on farming that. Is it wrong that to not have bf on pa or my build is bad ? Pls let me know so I wont repeat my mistake again.


      shadow blade doesnt give much to pa but i've seen a mid pa once rushing this after phase as suprise item and we got like 5 kills early game and snowballed thanks to it


        U won the game means u did good
        basher/abysyal blade is a good investment


          Oh, yeah I got shadow blade to build in to silver edge, to break CK and nights passive.


            that sounds gigadumb


              No, Winning doesn't matter to me. If I gone wrong build, I may think its good and play in that way. So I need analysis on that build. In which bad way it affected my team to blame me whole game.


                actually ur whole item build is a trainwreck
                why the hell did you think that butterfly is a good idea


                  @hamon dumb ??


                    Try this build if u intrested
                    S&y. Pt. Vlad. Deso. Ac. Bkb. Ablade
                    (Sell deso then ablade +45 min)
                    Satanic replace vlad super late game
                    Manta against strong single target disable or rightclicker
                    Mkb against evision
                    Bfury against illussion heros


                      @50niggaz by level 25 pa has around 1900 hp and by getting SnY maybe 2100hp, and if u consider getting AC, EHP would be not effective coz already pa has good armor and wasting 5150 on AC is bad I think.


                        dude just listen to this 50Niggaz. Hes build was good. What i would go as pa is (not in a build order) phase boots, aquila, battle fury, deso, ,tp and maybe manta or sange and yasha. Butterfly is never good on pa, atleast when you get qued up with good players. It is risky. If you can end it early then its a option, but sometimes it can be just a waste if the enemy gets MKB to counter ur passive and the expensive item you bought. Just by oppinion. AC is good on pa if you are against high physical dmg. Linkens isnt a bad idea against heavy nukes like laguan and lions finger.


                          Lvl 25 bkb s&y stanic ablade
                          Over 3000 hp bruh


                            More sustain and stats. Satanic -> butterfly is more sustain


                              generally bfly is a bad pickup because it's a late game item but in most cases by the time you get it the enemy have or soon will have counters to your evasion e.g. mkb or bloodthorn which negates most of butterfly's value.

                              if you're super far ahead, butterfly can be a good pickup if the enemy are still trying to finish other important items before they can even consider getting bloodthorn / mkb, because you have it long enough to get value out of it before it gets countered.

                              butterfly on heroes that don't have innate evasion is strong mainly because it forces the opponent to get true strike against it, making them use an item slot for mkb / bloodthorn that they would normally use on another item that would be more effective in situations where the enemy doesn't have evasion, but if you're against a PA as a right clicker, you were going to get true strike against her anyway, which means that getting butterfly on PA doesn't force an opponent to make suboptimal item choices.


                                @hamon dumb ??

                                yea i heard that it's a great idea to throw away 6k gold for butterfly while the main reason (evasion) you buy it for will get countered since you're pa


                                  Ok, great. Thanks for ur help guys. I will try the build u guys suggested in bots and later in all pick. I don't want to go blindfold in to all pick being blamed again. And one more thing I cant use ingame guides, when I select a guide, it goes to normal by default.


                                    Two major things though. You dont have that high of a starting dmg because you didnt buy but only phase boots. i would recommend buying either ring of aquila or PMS as early items then building into phase boots so that you have some early stats/sustain, as well as an easier time for last hits. (Wraith band gives 9 dmg so def go for it at start if you want LH). And if you do build early helm of dominator then use its active to take a ranged creep and stack the ancients every 53 second mark then build battlefury and take the stack for a large gold intake. If you want to see how to stack ancient watch this gameplay of baumi use helm on sven to stack ancient, he does it evey minute past 11:50 (time stamp on youtube video). Other than that focus on your last hits and your laning. 40 last hits a minute leads to 18-20 min battlefury. and around 1.5k gold boost from ancients... oh and dont die alot past the 10 min mark otherwise you will feed alot of gold and lose alot of gold.


                                      if u wanted last hit damage why wouldn't you go quelling blade instead of wraith band. quelling blade gives way more damage than wraith band and it's cheaper, giving you more gold to spend on regen or stats.

                                      you'd have more damage (which also applies on dagger) and you'd also have an easier time staying in lane because you can afford a stout or ring of protection too.

                                      Your Wife's Boyfriend

                                        i dont like butter, only ck was smart enough to buy a mkb and the others went for daedalus, but in higher skill games u will get countered and end up wasting ur gold. Also s&y is good, abyssal is rly important. I like the silver edge tho, works rly well in some brackets. In my opinion if you are not going bf farm build you should focus on killing stuff, especially creeps like sniper, free kill every time he shows on the minimap. 14k hd dmg is too low for 1 hour games. Check other players hd you are 8th as a pa you should work on improving ur fighting. Also maxing dagger is better than blink, the slow, vision and damage are insane.


                                          @Androgynous because the wraithband builds into aquila which is a viable option on PA, and quelling blade is good and all but it doesnt give regen for dagger like aquila does.


                                            I found a build that I really like for pa. Start with stout shield tangos and a quelling blade. Then get boots and a pms. after that perserverance into a hotd into battlefury. after that go bkb if your getting abused by spells or abyssal blade if your not.