General Discussion

General DiscussionHow hard is it to get out of this bracket?

How hard is it to get out of this bracket? in General Discussion

    You need to stop blaming your team mates, you're always going to get shitty team mates at literally any level. No one plays 100% their best every single game, you just need to control what you can control - yourself.

    Ensure that you play the best you can in every game and you will improve.

    You can't easily control what your team mates will build, where they will ward, if they will buy smokes or not stack stuns, if they will compete for CS, push the lane, not pull, not check runes, not push on advantages, not pick a good well rounded line up etc etc

    Just worry about yourself and ensure that you are doing all you can to win. No one not even the pros can win every single game, sometimes things are just out of your control.

    Trust the plan

      тян не нужны


        "why doesnt arteezy pick support? yet hes 8800 mmr. he doesnt do anything special, he just gets matched with players who aremore inclined to support him."

        you are so fucking stupid


          I am actually 170+ IQ. Considered genius. Link me your most trusted IQ test and I will prove it. Anyways, I got VHS game, and just happened to get muted at the same time because I yelled at someone for stealing my hero. If you watch my last replay. You will see my trying to communicate that we need to kill the fucking axe early but it did not compute to them. Spamming axe is missing and pinging bot.... Fuck valve. Muting people just because some nerd doesnt like them. THIS GAME IS SO SHIIIIIIIT.


            Trust me on this, the more you blame your team the worse you will do, because once you start down that road you don't realize your own mistakes and only notice others. I have low average gpm but fuck do I win games, gpm give you an item advantage whereas skill can mitigate anything. If you think you are truly that good then keep at it and play, stop whining and start doing well.

            I've had games where I'm offlane and my mid and safelaner carry is feeding like mad so I adjust accordingly and win us the game and sometimes it's the other way around. Just keep playing and stop blaming


              Also I know this guy with high iq who couldn't tell when someone was about to stomp his face in for talking shit, high iq doesn't mean anything if you can't apply your intelligence in real situations same goes for dotes


                The thing is, I learn from my mistakes. I sometimes miss a last hit or two. I sometimes get greedy and die. Thats about it. Sometimes I try to push and get 5 man ganked because my team is doing absolutly nothing at all. Truth is, this game is so simple that I don't really make mistakes anymore. The only mistakes I make are micro mistakes. And its usually because my team is trash and I know I need massive farm to carry them. This game is easier than chess or checkers. Thats why its so frustrating to play with bad people.

                Every time I lose games, I know we are losing and its 99.99% of the time because my team is terrible. I rarely ever feel like I threw a game. If I am "feeding" its because my team lost all their lanes and towers. If I die in lane its because my team didn't listen to whatever it is I had to say. Like "we need to kill the axe before he gets levels so he can't just sit there pushing every creepwave and farming our jungle". Its all basic as fuck to me. The game is really really simple after you play it for a few years. I also came from playing hon for about a year and a half before coming to dota 2. So basically like 4 years of gaming. At least 10 hours a week sometimes 50. I KNOW HOW TO PLAY THE GODDAM GAME. MY TEAM IS JUST TRASH EVERY SINGLE FUCKING GAME.

                ✪ BATSSS

                  Bro... This is a smurf too (not for recalibration but my actual account is stuck in an lp dungeon idk y if i play at that account i always DC) and apparently yes my team sucks but i will try to solo carry, unfortunately i meet lasthitting supports, so i try to support in the jungle, and my carry lasthit my jungle creeps.... So i just try to help my team i dont give a fuck how... But i will help... Hoping for victory... I almost never flame (only one game cause i got flamed for no fucking reason) and finally i can enjoy 50% WR! So just stay calm and maybe party 4 unranked matches...
                  Also as a scientist with 150 IQ this knowledge doesnt help you play dota that much


                    50% winrate is not my goal 100% winrate is my goal and what I deserve. Honestly, I hate to be a arrogant asshole. But I am probably the best dota 2 player in the world in my opinion. If only I could control multiple heroes at once. I could probably run a tri lane all by myself and micro two supports and my carry hero. I used to play starcraft alot and this game is trash easy compared to starcraft.


                      4k = better than 99% players according to Valve's data. T_T
                      And you still complaining. T_T


                        because im smarter than 99.999% of theplanet according to the tests i take in school.


                          with the difference that your school among the world might be a little inaccurate, valve, which is the game's developer is supposed to be reliable.


                            This thread is another proof of we human evolving back into brain dead monkeys


                              Kitrak lulz: some people never evolved


                                pretty sure this is troll. i think -_-


                                  all you need is K


                                    hey at least now you're in the very high skill bracket now, it took my old account 20+ wins in a row before i got there

                                    i dunno about the comparison to starcraft, i made gm briefly and i'm still bad at dota

                                    if you were actually good at dota you'd be making money from it. i'm sure if someone bothered to do a quick replay analysis on some of your games they'd identify way more mistakes than you think you made


                                      I'm pretty sure this guy just wants attention. And besides people who bitch about their team stay in that skill cap, the ability to rise above the odds is what will propel you go ahead and stay where you belong

                                      Pablo, a Beautiful Mexican

                                        First I thought it was a troll setting up some bait, but from the moment he talked about his IQ I'm pretty sure he's some prepubescent high school kid, because no one who actually is a genius, in whatever field, or has some academic track record would ever argue about their intelligence and even if; they wouldn't use an IQ test as their argument. IQ tests are made so the local grocery store can examine if the potential newly hired clerk is capable of some basic self-sufficient thinking, not to discover the new Einstein. So get off your high horse.

                                        Checked some of your games out, skill level is extremely low. 5 cores competing last hits in dull 2-1-2 lanes. Supports toiling around in lane doing nothing, carries with not even 50 CS @ min 10 while they could almost entirely free farm, wrong builds. Every 4k+ would stomp most of these games by just outfarming and winning teamfights when they have +5k networth. Keep playing, if you are really good enough you will get to the bracket you think you are fitted to. But from my experience most people will converge to the MMR they belong in the long run, if they like it or not.


                                          10 bucks it's a troll


                                            a troll warlord


                                              Not this thread again God it's very often to see things like this. Just play yourself and there's more to life than dota2.

                                              inst:  MissMissclick

                                                yea, we just need someone who is 5k to shit on this kid who thinks he is the best dota player. rofl. yea when u keep bringing up ur IQ, i know u have to be some kid. someone truly intelligent would never use an IQ test as proof of intelligence. u must be a kid without any other yardstick for measuring ur worth. the IQ test is some shit hundred year old test that was trying to measure intelligence. but guess what? it measures ur ability at taking the IQ test. that's it. it is one dimensional. that said, i am confident that u are not a dumb kid. u may well have the right to be arrogant if u are far ahead of ur peers. but god damn ur narrow-mindedness will be the end of whatever potential u have. lack of perspective-taking will limit your intelligence. an inability to acknowledge limitations around u points to ur lack of practical intelligence. u see it as a hindrance to your growth, but u lack maturity to understand that the smartest people on earth must learn to utilise their environment and not just themselves.

                                                do u really think u have this whole game figures out? if it is that simple, why don't u ask urself what the difference is between an 8k player and yourself for a start.

                                                that being said, u are what dotabuff needs right now. thank god for u. phantom riki reborn. god bless u.


                                                  Smarter than 99.999% of the earth's population? Smarter in what exactly? I have never actually seen a person who is smart at literally everything. From what I've seen, there are always some things people aren't smart at, no matter how smart they are.

                                                  Your Wife's Boyfriend

                                                    Just had the best 3 games in my life, International ranked is the best thing ever.


                                                      Jesus you are retards, can you stop with this. Every day u asking for ur fucking bracket, imbeciles.

                                                      doc joferlyn simp

                                                        amuse me

                                                        mom said it's my turn on ...

                                                          Subaru or citroen?

                                                          ASSESS Product

                                                            Its summer sale now. Go buy witcher 3 and stop playing dota.

                                                            endless grinder

                                                              How hard? Pick properly, play ur best. Ull lose some ull win some. If u really are good, ull climb out of it sooner or later

                                                              Johnny Rico


                                                                Johnny Rico

                                                                  yasgagssagsauydviy rwdw better ybsabyugbhv3h qui

                                                                  Johnny Rico

                                                                    ahaahaahahahahaahhaah i cant stop the burns and memes are real sauahhasuhasuhauhasusausa


                                                                      If you can't climb from hs/ns on smurf within few games you're just not good enough.

                                                                      Smurf detection works good, so if you stomp lower brackets you'll climb vhs easily.

                                                                      Â INV MENYA LP PARTY

                                                                        lmfao OP is autistic

                                                                        one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                          op doesn't even need to pretend he's not trolling to get food on this forum smh


                                                                            "If you can't climb from hs/ns on smurf within few games you're just not good enough.
                                                                            Smurf detection works good, so if you stomp lower brackets you'll climb vhs easily."

                                                                            I made an account one time and got into VHS in 4 games, I won all 4 games and died 0 times. Problem was I started getting 200 mmr skill teammates after that.


                                                                              here pro tips : go back to your main account and fucking spam game with slark, in 7 days with 4 game a day you will get a VHS


                                                                                Or, the flip side is that ur higher mmr teammates started getting you in their games. And u were ruining their games.

                                                                                monika the dead meme

                                                                                  Everyone pick supports and no one actually hav de balls to carry. = (

                                                                                  Swap Commends

                                                                                    I did not read