General Discussion

General Discussiondo you hate account buyers?

do you hate account buyers? in General Discussion

    even ones who climb acc?


      they're horrible and ruin games, i can't imagine how someone could do that. you don't belong in that mmr, what's the point of buying an acc if you're going to lose every single game back to your mmr.

      Nothing suspicious about me >-> move on.


      did anyone say something?


        did anyone sell something?

        G6/P6 #828

          dicks out for?


            i dont care, they dont affect me
            in fact im going to get a 6k account soon for practice


              ive seen 1 acc buyer in the last year and he was in the other team


                smurfs are biggest fa ggots in this community though. not only in dota, but in csgo, lol, any game with ranking system. they ruin newbies games just for purpose of getting higher mmr which is st upid or pu ssy attitude of not wanting to play with people of their level.

                acc buyers on the other side are just re tar ds considering fact that instead of buying something useful in real life, you spend certain amount of money just to get mmr number that wont you get anything. beside you ruin game of other people until you reach mmr you actully are. they are not problem since there is no alot of them out there.

                Best Treant EU

                  @dicks out for harem babes -> nice games dude :)


                    idk if they an are acc buyer or smurfs u can point out by his recent (hero pool & winrate), but according to my games they are the main reason i win if on the enemy side, or lose if on my side. So wtf am i improving? my 4k games feel the same like my 2k times back then fellsbadman.




                        i have a spare low 5k acc add me for more information ^__^


                          How do you know if someone is a smurf or a beginner?

                          doc joferlyn simp

                            buying a 6k mmr account anyone selling talk2me

                            doc joferlyn simp

                              im totally legit


                                I imagine there aren't much of it going on. Takes some much time to make a high mmr account. And I imagine it's not really worth the time for money u pay. Most would just give up after their 20 loss streak I imajne


                                  The only dude I ever suspected of being an account buyer was in the enemy team. Thanks Lord Gaben.


                                    Nah, don't like it when they pick invoker tho
                                    edit: where did my star go? smh


                                      The star is percentagewise iirc.

                                      Tbh I see Surfs as a bigger problem. Let me elaborate:

                                      The acc buyers are so few compared to how big the playerbase is. How many 6k+ accs are sold each week? I cant see that there is so many tbh. They will quite often lose a few games in a row as well and then get bored. I am yet to see a accbuyer who in fact is on a 25+ game lossstreak.

                                      Smurfs on the other hand, ruin the game, and I understand why. They smash every opponent, like really hard. I was a part of it myself when I picked this account upp wich I have had a 1y break on last winter after I figured I cant use my CC on my normal one for some reason (steam blocked it). This is my main now and I have climbed steadly over the past weeks. Iv also have struggeled with depression, made me throw like 1k mmr over 3 weeks and such but nvm.

                                      When climing i felt really bad stomping. Getting 42kills on Storm in the 3,5k+ bracket was fun for a while, then it just got bored and prolonged the game. In one conduct summary I got 14 reports and 9 commends. I understand why - cus its horrible to smurf. Cant really justify that this was my first acc and so on bla bla, but I had to do the climp.

                                      Ppl makeing new accs just to troll people etc. Is just contributing to the toxic community of Dota 2.

                                      Nothing guud comes out of smurfs.


                                        That's true. Smurfing definitely ruins more games. But probably ruins party mmr more be cuz ppl often make new accounts to play in lower skill games